Oh no

12  2018-01-06 by RBuddCumia


Says the man who didn't visit his mom for 5 years prior to her death

exactly. Why would he care when she's been dead to him for half a decade?

I heard Anthony went to Green Grove and tried to suffocate his mother with a pillow.

What an inner circle

Did this actually happen or is he just making shit up?

Apparently Smitty Dunbar lit an e- candle for her 😂

2 people posted the link. I know the first was removed. The second one stayed up for a while. Everyone knew it was a bad idea.

He probably didn't like that Anthony and Sue Lightning signed it.

bans scary! how will someone banned ever post again on a free site?!

Good point. It's easy to keep track of the retards if you don't ban them.

Nigel Igger won it for me.

That mud blood linz bella still hanging around...

twitter fights bobo and now tweets at ant. bitch wants tunisian dick

She was banned from the compound (drunk cryer) and got divorced because all of her bullshit around 2014.

For the record.... Sidney was the “drunk cryer” and banned from the Compound. Just wanted to clarify that.

The actually decent looking intern?

No. She was never an intern. She was on Paltalk for a while. She showed up at Ant’s house one time, drunk and trying to show her vag to Ant.... it was horrible. I tried to get her outside while she was crying, so not to make a scene. There’s more to that, but I think that’s sufficient info.

So did you get banned or no?

No, I did not get banned.

Anthony "you have a terminal disease mommy? Bye" Cumia - Circa 2012

At least she didn’t raise no pedophiles. Especially Joe.

his mother? are you all serious? one thing to openly mock his thirst for trannies but the guy's mother? i thought we left family alone (minus the ones who stick their head out aka Joe Cumia)?

To the subs credit, I only saw two posts about it. I would imagine it was both the same guy who was also probably the only one to write shit in the guestbook.

Says victory Henleys sister

That Alabamian angel doesn't deserve the cruel mockery of an unkind world.

isn't it redundant to say dead mother.

He's been saying it for 5 years.


Slooooow down there ped.

We didnt leave you to a homophobic manchild half a country away because we needed to tend bar, strip and suck white trash cock without a crybaby switchhitting son holding her down

thats really shitty, ive only ever done that once

The actually decent looking intern?