Anyone Remember Jimmy's Advice Show??

17  2018-01-06 by sarahemmingway

I Forgot Y He stopped doing it???


His advice was to go to an open mic and work things out.

I remember he had schupig on when she and he defended against the thievery allegations. That was when I really started not liking him. Nothing like a guy who stole 60k defending a slob who stole a bunch of jokes.

"Ill be on the air with Schumer in 8 seconds from now"

"Where were you tough guys?"

He didn't even say that. He just came and posted a topic titled "My advice show is really popular!" with the message "I know, I know - I suck, I'm the worst, I'm not funny. Feel free to call in (866) 969-1969". No mention of Schumer.

Why didn't he mention she would be on? Probably so he could post "ANY OF YOU COULD HAVE CALLED" an hour later when naturally nobody listened to his show just like no one listened to his show every time he did it.

The show where a 49 year old man who has never even lived with a woman, gives relationship advice.


Lived with his parents even at 30 years old.

"yeah it's a tough one man, well if an anonymous group doesn't help I uh hope things will get better for you, okay buddy? Thanks for callin"

-Jim Norton answering a caller who asked how to change a flat tire

No I remember the show as the guy who quit drinking at 18 telling other people how to beat life long drug and alcohol addiction.

He fell in love with a guy who jerks off for tokens

I'll do it for free.

Jerk off or fall in love?

People want to hear him be funny, not be an agony aunt. Basically it's the same problem as bringing porn stars into the studio. It's fun for Jimmy, but boring for the listeners.

Also most of the callers sounded like they were ringing in with some fake/exaggerated problem just so they could talk to Jimmy.

Would’ve been better off giving bobo a show where he teaches you how to play the stock market

Did thwy ever do that? I remember when colin suggested it

I have no idea. I didn’t even know Colin said that. They probably had him do something like that with the news reading bit.

Yeah, man... That's a tough one.

I got the impression that he started doing it when he was only doing a couple of things. The main show obviously, his music show, giggin', and not much else. I don't remember the timeline but between VICE, the HBO show, more frequent comedy specials, becoming a full time host (even though he requested the "with"), nominally becoming a full time host, and the UFC podcast and eventually Chip, somewhere along those lines he figured his creative outlets were covered.

I 'member!

So many stupid fucking sleep apnea questions.

To me the most memorable caller was the guy who had a problem with his wife showering with their (very young) son. He was obsessed with the incest aspect and when Jimmy made a joke about the kid being just tall enough to look at his mom's bush, the guy became legit furious. Jimmy was like "lighten up sir, it was a joke."

That guy made Jimmy seem normal.

What qualifies a middle aged man who frequents prostitutes and throws tantrums about nearly everything to give advice to anyone?

Don't remind us.

No I remember the show as the guy who quit drinking at 18 telling other people how to beat life long drug and alcohol addiction.