Bonnie ready to forgive Sam and Jim

24  2018-01-06 by WestStarKinger666

Mrs. Vos finally realised Sam isn't Machiavelli and wasn't the mastermind behind getting the Vos's Award Winning Sirius Series cancelled. What a start to 2018. They still waiting to release the Roast and "Fuck Opie!" Weird Underground Drama Bonnie says! "Fuck him, he's a baby", Rich states on his last podcast referring to Opie. Starts 15 minutes into their last My Wife hates me Podcast.


She's not ready to forgive them after missing out on getting tickets to see Rich on Jan 9th at The Stand in New York?

I can't fucking believe it.

She's not ready to forgive them after missing out on getting tickets to see Rich on Jan 9th at The Stand in New York?

No? I can't fucking believe it.

What about her spud brain retard sister?

She recently pardoned a caterpillar that refused to be eaten.

Bonnie stinks. Rich drags her to appearances and she ruins them. He is my favorite regular O&A had, but when Bonnie shows up he is terrible. When she isn't there he talks about her for half the time

But she trashes him better than anyone

I'll agree that she trashes him better than anyone other than Jim, Patrice, Anthony, Bob Kelly, Opie, and maybe a few other comics in forgetting. Seriously even Opie did a good job trashing him about the calls he gets after the show.

I think she did not hesitate to bring up the dumb shit he did at home, which allowed everyone else to continue the ragging

Holes can't stop themselves from being holes. It's their very nature. It's in the DNA.

Can someone find the picture where her nips are poking through her mesh shirt?

Vos deserves more.

Their tits are the same size


Why does Bonnie always act so retarded?

The extra chromosome deserves the lion's share of the blame.

She married the biggest joke in comedy.

There was an episode at Sirius of my wife hates me where Bonnie viciously attacked the Opie channel and Opie’s new gravelly voice. It was great but I can’t find it. U/braunheiser pls pls pls

Bonnie's a leech.

Anyone got a real pic of bonnies spaz sister?

I need new spank material as this one is spent

If Vos dirs, bonnie can be the white Von DiCarlo.

Feminine intuition is right in general if not in specific in this case. She senses he is a despicable measles, liar, fraud, a total fake. It's not even about this particular example and this being cleared up does nothing to dispel this sensation. The sense comes from a natural 'truth' about his character that exists in a permanent state within and without him. It's what he is. She is merely putting it into words.

Like Anthony said during the Ron/Colin argument show regarding his willingness to work with Jim again despite the fact (mentioned by Ron) that Jim currently 'has Sam' ... "something could happen, disasters happen, someone could fall off a bike." Anthony is waiting for the charade of the Jim/Sam relationship to drop so Jim can unload on him and leave that dumpster fire of a 'show' and try to do something in his career and life that he actually enjoys for once, without an element of career/income self-reservation coming first

She sucks, her video sucked. Go back in the house and clean that shithole up,your working husband will be coming home soon.

Which video did you see Florentine's or Sherrod? She did more than suck I'll give you that.

I'll agree that she trashes him better than anyone other than Jim, Patrice, Anthony, Bob Kelly, Opie, and maybe a few other comics in forgetting. Seriously even Opie did a good job trashing him about the calls he gets after the show.