Saiyanz Z is fucking hysterical

0  2018-01-06 by WhippingHuskies

Dead serious, this dude is hilarious. His mush mouth, awful mid 90's urban wear, mulatto beta features, man child references to videogames and cartoons, and obsession with a defunct radio program and it's many spinoffs. I often put up a playlist that's show related to go to sleep, and he often comes up and I routinely laugh at his nonsense. If you're here Saiyanz Z, your show, makes me laugh, well done you degenerate.


Enjoy ur downvotes, but I've said before... I don't find him unpleasant to listen to. I love tefft & the guys, but I'm a fan of any interesting / funny content.

His streams are hit & miss, but you cant argue with his Logan Paul appraisal - good points & funny.

See you in downvote hell buddy. :)

I've watched and rewatched all of his live-streams. He's very compelling for some reason.

He is very descriptive. He doesn't give an opinion. And his voice sounds like the embodiment of this sub. I like him. He's a good shit.

He's hysterical. I can barely understand what he's babbling about, but hearing him giggle and trying to act thug while talking about O n A and videogames and food is Bobo level gold.

I gots to agree with you bro', & he just seems like an honest guy... calls it as he sees it... & yeh, he's funny.

I bought a bulls hat just like his because I don't have my own personality.

you mean you wanted to seem hip to black people?

Fuck, am I that transparent?


He's the most unhip, uncool black guy who lives in a white town where he's only considered cool by comparison

I've never met any white person, no matter how uncool, or a mudshark degenerate whore, who would ever consider this guy cool. He's the type of black guy, who moves to a suburb and tries to act hard to impress some corny wiggers and aspiring mudsharks and ends up getting KO'ed by some freshman skateboarder.

i don't like him because he is brown.

Tough, but fair.

He giggles like a little girl.

That's his best feature.

Wow I just finally clicked one of his videos and watched for a minute and his speech impediment fucking rules. But to all of you who actually spend time watching these videos....what are you doing with your life man?

I listen to O n A related stuff on a playlist when going to bed. I've had bad insomnia since HS, and it's gotten worse since I've sobered up, and it's where I heard him/listen to him. I woke up one morning to someone who I thought was a retard giggling and talking, and started cracking up, and later to my amazement and elation, heard him talking about O n A stuff, so got up to see who it was, and realized it was Sayainz who everyone here mockingly laughed at. It then dawned on me, he was funnier than most of the O n A guys, and was indeed, above all else, real.

His baby mama looks like a black alien.

What???!!! He's had his baby mama on the broadcast as well?! This guy is definitely going on the power ranking next month. Justice for Saiyanz' honor must be served.

What a tool this guy is. "I have 1,000 followers." haha how embarrassing. Dude wear the same thing every time while bitching about a video being taken down. WTF cares. Fahhhhgot.

That's part of his appeal. He doesn't take himself seriously at all and obviously has absolutely no shame.

He seems to take shit really serious actually. Crying over a youtube video? It's laughable and not in a good way. This guy is a douche.

IMO he was laughing about it, and kind just dismissing the whole thing for the joke that it is. Or maybe he really is a retard, or even worse, I've completely lost my mind.