You guys are wrong about Nia, she is a remarkable talent, and not to mention HILARIOUS.

3  2018-01-06 by fish_flower



Picasso and Monet

So she's trying art now? Maybe she married Bill for the Monet.

Sha'Pikaso and LaMonet

That painting is the dumbest thing I've seen a non-retarded adult make.


She's worse than retarded. She's black.

Saw that one comin'

You set him up niiiiiice. sniff

Jigaboo & Monket

I hope she gets raped be a pack of crackers, before the jacuzzi

I hope she gets raped be a pack of crackers, before the jacuzzi

Well said

Just look at her fucking face.

Sha'Pikaso and LaMonet

What the fuck did Bill ever see in her? White guilt he feels for being Patrice's friend ruined his life.

Bill is an African albino was was pressured to marry within the race.

Bill's wacky plan: Even after they divorce and she takes half of all of it... He will still have made more than without her.

paint bars are very deceiving they dont let you drink the paint very upsetting.