Jesus, Bill.

45  2018-01-06 by cbanks420lol


her middle name is worse than not taking his last name.

5 letters and 3 of them fuckers are the same.

hey retard. she cant take bill's l ast name or it would mess up all 1 of her IMBD credits

Aw, Jesus. I may be a literal cuck but at least the Pats are on top of the AFC East.

What are Bill's fans the "Burrheads" saying about it

Actually, that's been corrected. They are now called the "Hill-Burrheads."

The butterheads

The last thing she is is a producer.

Well, she DID produce another man's baby.

the fuck is this from ....HUH?!?!

That is some Black Movie font.

Well at least the “N” has capitalized. I mean is...

What is this even fucking from? That dumb cunt is the definition of a double standard. Claims shes a feminist who bitched about house wives and how bad they were for not being independent and she didn't work for years while living off 'ol freckle dicks $$$$$.

Well those are god damned terrible.

Those fucking fonts

Have you ever seen the packaging for skin and hair products marketed to those people? They all look like they could just as easily be night club advertisements.

Hey Sh'Qwanda, y'all need any mo' cocoa butter from the sto'?

Yiiiiiah but don't be bringin' me dat raggedy ass shit widout the classy ass writin' on. Make sho' you buys dat good shit wit da slanted words.

Dat shit coss a dolla mo'. Sheeeeit I'ma have to steal dat motherfucka.

It reminds me of Anthony Cumia’s house decor

This is from a hosting site called imager. These grabs are first of all easily manipulated, second of all taken out of context often. This explanation is the only way I can ever look at Bill Burr again.

sigh....we really didn't want to bring up Reddit. We really didn't...

They don't call him Bill 'The Cuck' Burr for nothing.

Hey Niaaaaaaaaaa, finish up with Raekwon, I got a peach pie in the oven for you guys!

Actually, that's been corrected. They are now called the "Hill-Burrheads."

The butterheads