There's still at least one good Colin out there.

187  2018-01-06 by RBuddCumia


a man who never forgot to laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine if you ask him.

-Ronald Reagan

This subreddit sucks

Then leave faggot only room for one real rapist here anyway.

Your username was inspired by me though wasn't it

The weak and insecure latch on to stronger personalities naturally

Look out we got a TOUGH GUY

Is that why you're trying to develop a connection with the rock fucker by bonding over usernames?

His account is older than yours

He used to be RapistWithHIV

Negitive this is my only account ever. Nice try with the hate tho. Sniffles

Ah, so it IS possible to be Irish and not a complete douche!

the key thing is to be from NY and not shitty Delaware.

Boston Irish are my personal favorite, but to each his own.

who doesn't love the true white race from Americah ya queeah?!

We're Wicked smaht we invented fucken Nasar and shit.

We're Wicked smaht we invented fucken Nasar and shit.

Colin's American, not Irish.

Good ol' Colum.

Hmph yeah well

Vos tweeted about needing a "plummer" today and Colin retweeted it. He's a treasure.

REMINDER: Rich Vos has an IQ of 141.


That’s just genius come on

Haha vos or Colin

Jeethuth chritht guyth i hate colin flaherty thooo mutch, he hath thcary rathitht viewth, why cant peeple jutht be liberal faggotth like me?

What was that?

Shut up you fucking faggot.

Nice down votes, dick.

Kill yourself you faggot redditor who thinks votes for liberal faggot comments mean anything.

Something retarded.

Your phone stinks, dude.

Shut up you common reddit faggot.

Yes, given this sub's well-known track record of racial justice advocacy, that's obviously he's disliked around here. Certainly not because he's a dull IRA-looking stiff who's incapable of discussing any topic not directly related to blacks being unpleasant.

Why does Vos love this colin flaherty guy?

do you ever stop thinking about niggers?

Yeah! You say what everyone's thinking!

I'm a big fan of Wire.

Hopefully you'll dangle yourself from one soon.

time tests all men. few stand upright in its wake

This man treats a cupcake the way Jim Norton treats a grown man's asshole.

who would fly to iceland for a cupcake?

I saw the fabulous CQ a couple months ago while he was working out new material. It was fantastic. Go see the poor fella when he tours this winter you cunts.

This sub will never turn on CQ and that, to me, is wonderful.

I think we love Colin so much because he's legitimately one of us. Usually fat, stuffing his face, almost always secluded at home, always ranting about Jews and lesbians on his computer, always anonymously trolling on the internet.

don't project your shit life on everyone else fag, xoxo

Are you really pretending to not be a fat lonely fag? End your life

Here's Colin killing in the 1st 2 minutes

"Shut up, stupid." --Norton

Be quiet and continue!!

Jim and Colin are extremely talented at getting TV shows cancelled.

Hrmph hrrrm hrmph chocolate hell hole hrrr hrrmph

🚨 Total QT 🚨

He looks like a severed head medical students play jokes on each other with.

and Colin Hay

We're Wicked smaht we invented fucken Nasar and shit.

We're Wicked smaht we invented fucken Nasar and shit.

Nice down votes, dick.

Be quiet and continue!!