You're a black man getting some rest in a McDonald's parking lot after a long drive. You wake and this guy is trying your door handle.

204  2018-01-05 by TinKnockinMoroccan


"can i tell you about how black crime is being covered while sucking that coco flavored pocket snake?"

What's with these easy coast guys having tiny mouths

he looks like somebody took a surprise picture of him while he was leaving NAMBLA meeting.

The jet stream dries out everyone's teeth by the time it gets here?

i gOt hErE bY roCkET ShiP...

Irish Famine genetics

It's cold out here.

He drove away in a minivan with a Christmas tree tied to the roof.....

I just let evil escape! In a fucking Subaru Outback!

Let’s go to the phones, John from Deleware...

That’s the face my girl made the first time she saw my peckah.

"shouldnt have picked the Mick"

"my grandpa"

He really is an ugly mole-faced sack of shit. Bald ass beady eye havin ass bitch

"... and then he got in his Subaru Outback with a bundle of printed out crime statistics on the roof, and drive off."

He was gonna suck strange black dick before telling Anthony Cumia to get out of the rain.

Guy has that permanent shit-lip, stink face on.

He had to of gotten fucked in the ass by a black guy growing up, or maybe his wife left him for a Lamar.

Say what you will about the creeps here, myself incl.,...but the obsession this guy & Ant have with black people...its hard to understand.

He was into cuckoldry, but one night Jamal was bored of fucking his wife and ass raped Colin. His wife ended up leaving when he confessed that he enjoyed it and had been secretly visiting glory holes in black neighborhoods ever since. But anonymous gay sex could never match the feeling of being forcefully sexually dominated by an alpha negro. Broken hearted he directed his self loathing onto the object of his desires.

Yeah, I think he wrote about that in White Girl Bleed A Lot.

hahaaha i read it wrong on the bottom of the screen i thought the name of his book was " whit girl bReed a lot" lolol

Asshole bleed a lot

You’re correct but for the wrong reasons. Reporting on black crimes has the inexplicable effect of raising their rates, including black rape and sodomy or, in their parlance, “finna get in that ass.” He’s trying to saturate the market because black guys only target fat balding white men when there are no white women available to rape.

I love shitting on them for obsessing over it, but let's be honest. It's not like every white person who thinks allowing blacks into the neighborhod is a mistake thinks that because of some burglary or cuckold experience they had. I've never had a direct negative personal experience with a "youth" in my life and I still view them as a fundamental problem that needs to be addressed.

I've never really had black neighbors, but I remember in the early 2000's a Mexican family moved into the house 3 houses down. The neighborhood is basically all white people that all go to the same church, know each other by first name, will come tell you if they see weird shit going on around your house, watch your house for you when you're on vacation, shit like that.

This Mexican family moved in, and within three years, we had fucking two full on drug busts with SWAT trucks pulled up in our cul-de-sac. I'm not saying I agree with people that are weird about different races moving into their neighborhood, but I understand why you would be against it.

That's literally the point ron was making. He was saying that the Colin fag was retarded for holding on to his childhood neighborhood so tightly and to just move to a nice white neighborhood. Everybody (ESPECIALLY LIBERALS) knows it's better to live in an all white neighborhood and there's nothing wrong with wanting to live in one but it's totally pointless to get obsessed with black crime stats. Just move away from the nigs......

You think he takes the Hershey highway to chocolate city?

chocolate hellhole

Wow, that's how ugly he is even after extensive photoshopping.

It was a rest stop

"Why are you loitering here sir. Are you gonna rob this place? Selling drugs? I'm calling the cops"

PTSD kicks in when the sound of a cash register opening up while in the vicinity of a chocolate person.

It amuses me that this photo has clearly been touched up.

It's been touched up more than young jim norton

Did this grown man really blur out his wrinkles in photoshop

rest assured knowing that this fellas mouth can be found on the other side of your local truck stop, glory hole.

He clicked his dentures, got in his minivan with a giant hanging tree attached to the roof, and drove away.

Best story ever.

i must have forgot to laugh

He looks like an older balding version of John Cusack.

Sean connerys down syndrome brother

Shamrock Schvoogie

Flaherty was never the same after Gangsta Fag lost his number.

This sub has become pro Louis CK and anti Colin Flaherty...

You idiots are losing your minds.


fuck this stupid cunt. Racist dumb cunt. Develop a sense of humor and go back to show about comedy you dumb mick cunt.

His stupid burger suckin' "gangster" face reminds me of how much I hate that Tranth quotes the same mob movies over and over

Irish pedophile cruising McDonald's.

Are there any specific things we can do to ruin his life, or is he doing a good enough job himself?

The "it's cold out here" story never happened

Patrice made it up in his mind because he needed something to validate his idea of well put together white peolle being secretly fucked up, and it all having to be fake

Anthony had been giving him a perspective thatkobody had been brace enough to for most of his adult life. Patrice was losing the arguments and having to accept the conclusion that's blacks simply have lower IQs and can't economically compete with whites on a purely biological level.

This realisation humiliated him, so his mind "created" the story to comfort his cognitive dissonance: the successful, decent, responsible white family man getting a Christmas tree for his family? No, he isn't better than me, he just wants to suck black cock. All white people are just depressed Freudian evil devils and that's how their society runs

Think about the logistics of the story for two seconds and you'll realize it isn't true. Why was a white man driving out of his city to get a. Heistmas tree? Why would he be driving back, hours into the night, just to do this? How convenient that he had this Christmas teee, which in the story represents his family life, anfthe same time he was prowling for black dick? And as a white man, gay or not, how willing would you be to walk up to a big, intimidating sleeping black men in a struck and try his door handle?

Patrice made the story up to soothe his own cognitive dissonance.he was losing against Anthony on the show and needed to fire back with something to save face for his entire ethnicit, so he created something fictional, and his black brain was able to suspend disbelief and tell it like it was true without feeling too bad about it by being too self aware

I thought it was funny.

Ant wasn't as obsessed about race back in 2005...

what's with all the hate this guy is getting? obviously he is a racist meme, but I thought he was pretty good. The bit was great actually it made ant uncomfortable and made that fat hack sitting next to him really angry

I just let evil escape! In a fucking Subaru Outback!

Yeah, I think he wrote about that in White Girl Bleed A Lot.

You’re correct but for the wrong reasons. Reporting on black crimes has the inexplicable effect of raising their rates, including black rape and sodomy or, in their parlance, “finna get in that ass.” He’s trying to saturate the market because black guys only target fat balding white men when there are no white women available to rape.