The face of a man who can't handle minor conflict between two grown men and won't visit his dementia-ridden mother once in the last five years of her life cos he doesn't wanna feel sad.

87  2018-01-05 by NinetyFaaahve


I'll never get over that terrible green screen set

You don't think having brick wall with a portrait of a decades old TV character is visually appealing?


You don't think he's actually a thousand feet above Manhattan?

Youre wrong pal. The kids still love Columbo. At least that's who I think it is in that 150x150 pixel image.

Ant on O&A years ago talking about old/dying people: “I don’t like seeing people when they’re in a state that I won’t be able to recognize them”

Now you know how this fanbase feels about you Ant, you’re a shell of your former self.

That was a beast shit.


Original comment.

many of us can’t bare the thought of watching you.

All you faggots do is watch everything he does and obsess over every aspect of his life.

No a few do. Then it gets posted here and since none of us have anything better to do we watch it.

So some of you just obsess ove every aspect of his life without actually watching A&A and having any idea what you're talking about, got it.

Get it? Got it? GOOD!

The face of a man who has been emotionally crippled by his awful childhood. Something happens and he just reverts back to being the scared little boy after his drunken father threw spaghetti at the wall.

Your mother is dying and you can't even muster up enough courage to go see her once in five years? He's a coward. Much easier to make excuses and avoid the problem than be a man and face an uncomfortable situation even though it's the right thing to do. Now he's probably sitting there with intense feelings of regret and guilt with no way of getting closure because he was too afraid of his own emotions. Good job Joe Sr, you raised a faggot.

Dementia is really bad. Not saying ant isn't a Silly faggot with a stomach ache and a doll fetish, but seeing someone you love that situation is grueling. They are scared, confused and understandably upset. Much like all you faggots.... rich vos is playing somewhere in the Midwest weds-fri.

I have to agree. I'm kind of mixed on that situation. I had to visit a relative I was really close to who was totally gone from dementia and it really is fucking heartbreaking, but I'm glad I got to say goodbye even if she didn't know what was happening.

I went through it with my grandmother. You go to say goodbye and to support the rest of your family in that awful situation. They may not know you're doing it but you do it anyway out of love and respect for who they once were and what they did for you in life.

It's heartbreaking but it's apart of life.

It's not for them. It's for you.

Yeah I'm a faggot. Peckas

but seeing someone you love that situation is grueling

Or hilarious.

"What's up faggot?"


HAHA HOLY SHIT! My own mother doesn’t recognise me! Hahaa

*raised two faggots. Don't forget the U2-cosplayer....

A pissy-eyed faggot at that.

He didn't visit his sick mother? What a fucking tool.

She had dementia what's point?

I know you're being a tough guy, since it's this sub, but dementia is pure pain, and they do sense niceness and can tell if they're being ignored

How is me saying that makes me a tough guy you imbecile.

Can they make contracts?

People with dementia can sign into contracts

Samcro Bro Joe visited her and had an anxiety attack

At least she passed peacefully, knowing he wasn't a pedophile.

Didn't he say his mother had alzheimers or dementia or some shit? What the point in a visit be? Might as well talk to a fucking lamp.

Ant doesn't want to see what his future holds. His Mother and Grandmother both died of dementia. When you consider the amount of booze and pills Ant throws back, his shelf is probably a lot shorter than theirs.

Exhibit A: Lady Di

Yeah. Better to leave her all alone with strangers who only give a shit because its their job. That's a very healthy and mature attitude to have

It's not like she knows the difference.

She might

Oh I see.

Why would you go visit someone with dementia? They don't recognize you.

Yeah. Don’t visit the woman who gave birth to you and cared for you while your Wop father pretended to be a cowboy in California. What a fucking man child.

Because it's your mom.

But she doesn't recognize you.

I don’t blame him for not visiting his mom.(even though I’m sure he did at least a few times) but visiting someone with Dementia does feel pointless at some point. And it’s not like she needs help around the house. The best money he’s ever spent was probably towards his mother care and comfort.


At least he's still hilarious.

The face of a man who VERY NEARLY didn't side with his friend of 20 years against some old racist douche.

Please, Flaherty is right about jigs, don't fucking kid yourself.

He can be right AND a massive bore.

The Face of Romanian honeless grandna dying in a tuberculosis ward.

At least his cunt mother is finally dead. Yay!

The face of a man who will rant about trans kids yet he himself wore womens shoes as a child and fucks trannys

Ant was right about one thing. Opie's dumbass belligerency was somehow able to make situations like this entertaining

Can I take a moment here to contrast Ant/Joe with Dawn. Dawn was there till the end with Ma Cumia. I think she also handled all the paperwork with the care providers. Also, she has a big luscious ass.