I love this sub because its a big fuck you to anyone who believes in any political/social ideology to the point of being a humorless cunt

189  2018-01-05 by PutMeOver

You can be a flaming racist, or super ultra leftist, or somewhere in the middle, but insofar as you are rendered a humorless cunt because of your set of beliefs, this sub is coming after you. P.S, i also love this sub cause im lonely and hate myself.


Yeah, this place is basically project mayhem.

Project gayhem.

"Wow, this post is too embarrassing. Are ya REALLY "project meyhem"? Haha"


To be fair Danny said it but it’s still gay as fuck to quote.

To be fair Danny said it

But the reply came from Anthony's account. You mean he was hacked/Danny typed that for him?

Yeah, well you spelled mayhem wrong, idiot.

I know he did.

Anthony really is a Dunderhead, isn't he?

Linger longer

Sounds about right, fight club is embarrassing escapism for beta-males.


Oh please

do ya?

well, sure. but we still all hate niggers, right?

But what about the mulattos?

They don't fit in any camp. This is Alt-Right, discuss.

I'm pretty sure we could find a suitable camp for them.

tss yeah maybe a CONCENTRATION camp right

I like the cut of your gib.




Please clap.

just maybe

That was such a funny line

Cursed to walk the earth alone, because of their shitty parents were stupid enough to racially mix.

Just a bit more than we hate Flaherty.

No. They are harmless as long as you're not poor enough to live next to them, in which case that's your fault/problem and failure.

The real problem is (((them))). They do 2 things well. Run their mouths off and swindle decent people of their money hard-earned from honest, Christian work.

It's all the ebil joos

That's right we should all hate the jews.


well, he's dead. so currently... yeah, i probably hate all niggers.

if you don't, you should.



(He doesn't care!)

His jokes don't go over


All those hilarious super ultra leftists with great senses of humor


This and a few odd other interesting subreddits are the only interesting places left in our culture.

I love knowing how quickly most people would condemn this place as truly and sincerely racist. I often just look at the front page of the sub and think “haha, I’m probably one of the only people actually viscerally laughing at things for miles.”

Suggestions on some other interesting subs? I need some new content

/r/cripplingalcoholism is great for some light reading

2: Alcoholism, an "art piece"

Yep, I've spent the last year working on an 'Art Piece'... for some reason that actually sounds right in my head.

That place rules, thanks!

Cheers fucker. He was not supposed to link that sub as it floods with half assed annoying kids nut considering you found it here it seems fitting enough.

have you been drinking sir?

This sub and r/drama are the only interesting places on this entire retarded platform.

I’ve been getting into r/milliondollarextreme lately

Please share these other subreddits I need more!

Ronnie hit the nail on the head when he said something along the lines of, "yeah there are poor people in my old neighbourhood but I don't let it make me crazy".

Ronnie hit the nail on the head when he said something along the lines of, "yeah there are poor people in my old neighbourhood but I don't let it make me crazy".

Yeah that Colin guy is not wrong and after reading a little bit about him I tend to agree with what he says but Jesus Christ dude you're on a comedy show lighten the fuck up. though no one really is talking about it but I think Ronnie B was a bit triggered by this guy. I mean just listening to Ronnie's show every now and then he's pretty hardcore liberal. I would listen to Ronnie show way more if it wasn't for his insufferable hole of a daughter.

He's just a blowhard trying to create hysteria to sell his shoddy books. Clearly what he's saying has some element of truth to it, but he makes it out to be the biggest problem in America.

Your average regular joe is not affected by what’s happening in black neighborhoods in Chicago. He just grabs his container of coffee and gets the job done. We don’t need 4 shows a week of various but somehow identical people harping on FBI statistics.

He commented before he got into it with Ronnie that Anthony was the first "major outlet" to push his book. He's a nobody racist that Anthony pushed for no actual reason.

Anthony loves a good "bash black people" episode every once in a while. That's the only reason. If someone writes a book about how awful black people are, Ant will find it, thumb through it, and then have them on his show, probably no matter how obscure the author is.

Good content that really fits a wide audience. Race rant thursday should be a special be runs.

It's not about being right; it's about being funny.

Nice semicolon. I get the impression you're smart.

Thanks nig;ger.

hey fag;got - we call them chocolate people around here.

be respectful or sumptin.

Colin calls em The Fellas

Jimmy likes colons

Haha I get it. He's gay.

Yeah, he doesn't half-ass things, except for his comedy.

I use punctuation wrong sometime's to avoid forensic-analysis of my comments.

Guess I forgot to laaaaugh!

It's the reason we occasionally tolerate Ant.


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I'm with ya. I'm more left than most of you Nazi cunts, but if you can't chuckle what's the point amiright?

This sub is the show now! Fag.

Can I be Anthony? I always felt like I was more of an Anthony character

Paging Chris Hansen... paging Chris Hansen....

If you can find him. Nobody's seen him since 2012-ish.

beat me to it

What's that? Your phone cut out

How's the gout, sweety.

Miss you.

I don't remember you sorry

Oh Jorgen

Aren't you supposed to be a gay pirate?

That was 2017, bub.

At least the pirate character.

Communism will win

Gas the kikes, race war now

Pro-white communism is the ultimate redpill.

Varg, is that you?

If you want pro white communism join a gated community

We do not discriminate against Nazis, faggots, zealots, or neckbeards. Here you are all equally worthless.

Can racists enter this subreddit?

Thank you

Sure since all this sub is is a contract of eternal faggotry

Thank you

Fcul yeah love this sub because it does thinks I interpret to benefit my belief!

I can't think of a single leftist here who is funny.

"I'm still hilarious"

Assreaper used to be one of the funniest motherfuckers in the country.

Wha... you saying being an SJW and a promoter of how funny women are is not funny?

I'm a liberal because I'm a poor athiest. But me and my friends hate SJW's and women comics. I am 42 so was pre-hipster.

That's like saying you have to be a Nazi to be right wing.

SJWs are faggots. You don't have to be an SJW to be in favor of education, worker's rights, equality of opportunity, elder care and equal access to health care.

The rest are just wedge issues that the media (or (((the media))) as a lot of people around here think) uses to manipulate stupid fucks like you into thinking you're on a team instead of just another head of cattle.

I'd be all for all that but "equal" education, worker's rights, equality of opportunity, elder care and equal access to health care in a non homogenized Society especially one like America with its history is a pipe dream. let alone its current state with the dominating philosophy of drippy SJW 50 genders bullshit. A country's success in Social programs is directly correlated to its cultures homogeneity.

Also I wouldn't use the phrase equality of opportunity not only does it sound super vague but you risk people lumping you into the sjw crowd. It is one of those phrases that can get you into trouble during discourse.

I think I stole it from the King of the SJWs himself, Jordan Peterson.

Im hilarious sockcuckah

I’m probably the most active SJW here and people have generally enjoyed my contributions over the years. Me and /u/Danakurlan (anyone remember him?) coordinated the “Mornin, b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b“ call with Lady Di back in the day which was a big hit.

...Not doing myself any favors with this awful horn-tooting though. It just hurt to see the /r/O&A SJW minority population and our contributions marginalized because I’m a faggot. Downvote this pls.

Was Dianakurlan the Bolivian-American who somehow had a hint of English accent when he called Anthony's jail? Or was that Knickers, or was he the Brazilian anglophile? Both backstories seemed so unlikely, were they the same guy? Why do I have so much 2014 O&A sub history logged in my head? What am I doing with my life? You don't have to answer all q's

Ahh I dunno that's a tough one man


Haha! Ho-lee shit!

So in other words, you enjoy being an uninformed, disengaged dolt who doesn't believe in anything?


this. is. what me do, this thing of ours

I like a good circle jerk on a Friday night. Here's to us, group.

Middle of the road Jimmy forever! Always answer "it's a tough one"

I hate this sub because of circle jerky faggot shit like this

Goddamn it, Fam. Fantastic point, brilliantly elucidated!

It's posts like this why I'm here!

I think the common hate for certain individuals keeps this sub great.

I love this sub because our targets of hate are so unrelated to each other, yet each share similar traits deserving of our hate. Matarese, Opie, Sam, Flatery, Mary Jean, DeRosa all so hateable

This sub has really made me laugh lately. Keep up the great work, gang!

But then you faggots actively attack Ant and Lil Jimmy. durrrr but they aren't funny! then why are you here, cocksuckers?

Did you think this was a fan club of some sorts?

Nah man it's cool that a bunch of faggots pretend to hate people they listen to for 11+ hours a day.

shut up, stupid

Politics aren't interesting. People collect political views as possessions and use them as a way to prove they're grown ups.

Be a real man and watch YouTube videos of bands and be sad you couldn't be a rockstar.

Believe whatever you want. Just don't be a boring douche about it.

We hate you too

Ant talking about politics and race was ONLY entertaining when he was debating his views with Patrice, Jim, and Bill Burr. I dont wanna watch him talk to some golf hat wearing faggot who shares his same views. Despite me agreeing with the issues of the black community, Its just boring and preachy to listen too. Glad Ron called him out.

Patrice was the only person that Anthony could talk to about race and it still be entertaining, because Patrice didn't hold back on him, and put him in his place sometimes. It was always a good bout.

It was only entertaining when you thought he was making racist jokes to be funny in the beginning. Who doesn't like a good joke about the blacks? Then he just got angry and yelled about it and you realized he wasn't joking.

Five years later and he hasn't been entertaining since.

lol yeah I still remember the silent awkwardness when he asked erocks wife if she let their kids date black people. Ant wouldnt shutup about how it was wrong for interracial relationships.

I'm also lonely and hate you.

What do you mean

This sub is full of humorless cunts now

I remember 2 years ago when every1 was making fun of those who still did vos rolls. Now those people are downvoted into oblivion.

username checks out.

of the morgue, that is.

Looking through your comment history, I'd say you make a great addition to all of us humorless cunts. Thanks for dragging the sub down from the golden age of two years ago.

How did you not see that the first post in my history is a thread with 500+ upvotes making fun of the type of faggot who looks through post history, you weird, poorly timed retard.

in my history is a thread with 500+ upvotes

Big man

Not my point fag and you know it. Hes saying i dont post "quality" threads so im playing by his rules.

I was there for you that day on mde.

This was not a good post

You didn't need to add the last bit; 1: It's taken as a given, 2: we would've accepted your post anyway.

why dont you marry it

The place rules cuz its the only place left i can say faggot!

this pc shit can suck my dick with all them no-no words, you cant say faggot anymore? thats gay yo! you may as well cut my balls off while u at it! this is the only non-faggot place left on the internet as far as im concerned!

all yall faggots downvoting me can suck my aids ridden penis

Nah I would say this sub leans right for sure.

You're a faggot

The sheer amount of genius and retardation on this sub and how it makes me happy can't be put into words.

Yeeeeeah maaaaaaaaaaan

I read the title and thought it was either /r/rolex or /r/Watches

An easy mistake to make

I dunno, this is kinda dumb. Ronny wasn't being funny either yet everyone is sucking his dick as if he was "just joking" He wasn't. Flaherty is, and never was, a comedian, so what did you expect? It's not purely a "comedy" show, it's a show that fits whatever guests are in.

Since Ant's firing this place has been the most tragic and hilarious soap opera ever. I now have a hard time laughing at most stand up comedy and comedy movies/shows because of this place, but once a week almost I laugh to tears on this sub.

I hate niggers, but I hate this Flaherty fellow too. I'm so confused.

Louis CK has rendered many people here humorless. I find his downfall HILARIOUS!

I love it because I've met so many wonderful people from around the world who are willing to trade files with me.

Do you think Ant listens to The Daily Shoah?

Ewww....I hate when people here have that, "you know guys, this place really is kind of special" moment.

Can someone, anyone, here actually explain how Colin is wrong? This seems like a SJW takeover of the sub and not genuine in any way.
