Statistically, Jim's probably killed at least one hooker, right?

8  2018-01-05 by TinKnockinMoroccan

When you frequent ethnic crackwhores, one of them will eventually pull a knife on you. Blinky Jim would probably panic and run her over with his car then flee the scene.


Maybe with AIDS

No he wasn't you fucking idiot. Why do you feel the need to make stuff up when there's so much material to choose from?

Yes, he actually was. Go find the show where it was discussed and post the audio to prove me wrong, thanks.

So you claim something happened and you expect me to search for it? You're wrong dumb fuck

I remember it too. He said something really strange about bug chasers in that context and how, even with the medicine now he doesn't want to get it.

Jim's knowledge of bug chasing and recent confession to using prep (hopefully he's read the fda instructions which clearly say it's only effective when used in conjunction with other safe sex practices) was VERY insightful or he's brilliantly playing a bit (and the greatest actor of his generation).

er yes he was strangely positive and happy when reporting it on the j&s show(yes I'm one of the few) He said it was the correct decision cuz hiv is now totally treatable and no longer a deadly disease

That's not true

No you're right, we all just imagined it

I love how you say "we all" to make it sound like the masses are backing up your claim when it's only you and 1 other person you lonely fuck

Counting suicides?

You don't actually think he traveled with a former cop for protection, do you?

Club soda does removed blood stains ....

He'd get stabbed like a faggot

More likely than him killin that puss.

You think the worm actually has the balls to kill someone? He would probably just comply and get his shit taken, and chalk it up as bad luck.

No. That's why I said he'd panic and run her down.

Killing him with kindness Maybe

He keeps strands of each victim's hair in that safe deposit box he's so protective of...

Probably not (Jim is about as lethal as a bowl of jello) but a lot of those prostitutes he’s used may very well have been sex slaves, and his rampant whoring habit supports the sex slavery industry and is thus indirectly the cause of much human misery.

Just keep that in mind when he moralizes about much more successful and talented comedians masturbating in front of consenting women who aren’t prostitutes.

Considering what we know, he's more likely to ask for their hand in marriage than murder one.

He couldn't even kill himself.

You know, that's a tough one.