When is Jim Norton finally going to pay the price for appropriating Colin Quinn's culture?

35  2018-01-05 by HaHaHoLeeShit

Norton watched his hero Quinn effortlessly/eloquently spew furious hate rants, then started trying it.

Then Norton watched his hero Quinn effortlessly reinvent himself by trolling people with cutesy kind platitudes, as an internalized self-deprecating joke about his own existence as an edgelord cretin. I'll give you 3 guesses what Norton did next

Mirror image secret-faggot hack. You fucking suck on stage, Jimmy. Give up


I recently listened to the Jimmy rant at Derek Jeter and the Yankees for not becoming his best friend at a charity event and his speaking voice sounds like a mix of Colin and Florentine. You wouldn't believe it's the same life form that is currently wearing Marron pants saying that's a tough one.


Id love a compilation of Jim trying to talk sports. He thought Tony Womack hit the walk-off to beat the Yankees in 2001. Cant believe that candy-ass was casted as "surly truck driver".

He was ranting st Jeter how the girls he took picture with didn't know he wore jersey #2, didn't hear of him when he was in triple a, or want to slit their wrists when the yankees lost like masculine sports fan Jim.

Amy Schums steals people's jokes. Norton steals people's personalities.

and Otto, and Florentine, and 50 other comics.

to be fair it is pretty hardwired in humans brains to emulate behaviour and characteristics you admire

It's pretty clear in this sub

Shut up, stupid! this sub is PHENOMENAL, why don't you slip in a puddle of aids dummy!

so did bobby vos and keith robinson

I loved OandA so much and thought it was hilarious and finally tried jimmys stand up... I really think he is better on the radio. It probably hurt his creativity as a comic though as well, by getting all that money and still not having life beat him down by trying to males ends meet.

You mean Jim "Otto Quinn" Norton?

Yeah Jimmy's a wormy fag, but more suckling of the teet of this Irish zero who thinks Crocodile Dundee 2 was such a beautiful comedy it needed to be rewritten. Collin's okay, never made me laugh as much as Jimmy.
Now downvote me instead of telling me why I'm wrong.

How about I downvote you and then tell you you're wrong. Jimmy is an awful stand up and the fact that you laugh at shit that isn't funny and refuse to laugh at shit that's hilarious makes you Sam Faggot Roberts.

So are you saying Sam Roberts doesn't have a sense of humor? Nyeheh heh he heh heh