Fuck Colin Flaherty

6  2018-01-05 by karlatkins

I am just as racist and right wing as then next guy here, but this guy has made me more angry than I rationally should be. I never post here and I never will again, but I hate Colin Flaherty like he hates black people.


finally someone makes a post on this subject (Fag)

you shut up or im going to bottom you so fucking hard!

you better not

It’ll be the world’s shortest pink socking match?

Alright I think we're ready to go back to hating blacks

we stopped?

He's and old queen that thinks he's G Gordon Liddy. More coffee?

I am just as racist and right wing as then next guy here

No you aren't you lisping liberal faggot.

That fucking autistic compulsion to steer the conversation back to topics of interest is infuriating.

Colin Flaherty gives ethnic cleansing a bad name