What causes someone like Tranpa or Colin Flaherty to dedicate their lives towards memorizing obscure crime statistics in urban areas?

8  2018-01-05 by disawayisthrows

I mean obviously there's some self hate sexual attraction thing going on, but on a more serious level, Ant is a violent offender who fucks little boys and girls...and Colin seems no better.

I've never really known anybody like this in real life, but wtf is going on there?


to pretend they understand how the world works

"Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely 'brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change. Don't give them any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy."

That perfectly describes Ant and everyone who thought he was a genius for being able to remember something he saw on modern marvels.

Retarded quote, remembering the corn production of Iowa is infinitely more useful than any sociology horseshit.

Legitimize their racism.

Mostly loneliness and alcoholism.

aka self-hatred

The problem is not the stats, which are not that obscure. Nor are they wrong. They are what they are.

The problem is thinking about nothing else. Ever.

And not having any real viable solutions. Stats are great but they need to boil down to a conclusion that isn't just "niggers are bad".

decline in the quality of the American populace. age. not ignoring the obvious things like this

Because of horse shit like the BLM movement.

I think they feel extremely threatened by them and are obsessed with protecting themselves from said threat. They get this way either being genuinely being victimized, like being beat down/robbed/raped by a black person, or just by binging on "blacks beat up whites" videos, or other "genres" like blacks resisting arrest, blacks rioting, blacks in the ghetto beating each other up, etc. They end up with a really warped view of the world where blacks are running around killing white people and it's not safe anywhere. Then they end up on racist forums and have their fears validated and amplified until they're past the point of no return. Basically they're pussies who can't manage their fear and end up bunkering themselves in intense racism (instead of fun racism like us).

I think Ant got this way when he started making enough money that he entered into that 52% tax bracket. It triggered that sensitive area of being sucked dry financially by an undeserved person (i.e. his ex-wife who he paid alimony to for years and was insanely bitter about). He had to find someone to attack, and he decided those damn inner city blacks leeching off welfare were the best target. Him getting his ass beat by a black chick and a bunch of "brothas" on a stoop laughing at him while it happened was the straw that broke the camel's back. Patrice dying also ensured that he'll never come out of it. He'll be like this until he dies. I don't think people here appreciate just how deep Ant's racism goes. It's in his soul at this point.

Colin, I have no idea about. But probably a similar thing.

I don't think people here appreciate just how traumatizing that event was to Ant,

Oh, I do. I've been laughing about it for almost 4 years now. It literally was what you said, his worst nightmare come to life. He admitted to playing these scenarios out in his head about what he would do if XYZ happened. Then it happened, and he did nothing. It was spaghetti hitting the wall all over again.

I remember right after we found out this happened I was on here joking about he is Mr. Guns n' Ammo, but when put to the test he pussied out. That was his moment to wave his gun in the air shouting "I'M AN AMERICAN DAMNIT!" and instead he got punched in the face, laughed at, than ran him and cried about it on social media. And then he was fired. He looked about as pathetic there as the thief from The Road who gets all his clothes taken him and is literally left with nothing. Just a weepy, pathetic mess. That's Anthony.

So he is a pussy because he didnt brandish his gun to fight of some bitch? But you are spot on with the analogy of him being left with nothing, i mean all he has is his mansion, media network, and girls he fucks that are 30 years younger than him. Man what a sorry sack shit he is, im sure you crushing yourself though.

I can't believe there are still Anthony ballwashers out there who think everyone is jealous that he fucks transvestites and does karaoke with fat, 60 year old men.

I cant belive there are still losers who talk about how shitty o and a are yet 90% of their post are about it.

I love watching their lives fall apart. Its the funniest shit any of them have done in years. But guys like you are still living in a fantasy world where everyone is envious of Anthony's crazy lifestyle. Now tell me how Anthony is still as funny as ever.

Oh your right, ill let you get back to deepthroting everything o and a while u talk about how bad it is.

then he was fired. He looked about as pathetic there as the thief from The Road who gets all his clothes taken him and is literally left with nothing

Does he really fuck women 30 years younger than him?Hes almost 60 at this point wahat 25 year old would fuck him if she wasnt a hooker

Does he really fuck women 30 years than him?Hes pushing 60 you think hes banging non 25 year old hoookers.Im sure 21 year olds find him attractive

Now let me ask you this, if Ant were standing out in the rain what would you do?

Every little aspect of their life being invaded by white guilt or "unapologetic black excellence"