Ya she hit him in the head, but assault is NOTHING compared to her comment: "She made a comment to my mother, ‘Hurry up, you Jew,’ as she was getting her jacket.”

10  2018-01-05 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


This place is a hate crime cesspool you jews

Glass the kikes, purse war now.

The amazing thing about jews is how they've convinced America that they're white when they want to be and a protected race when shit like this happens. The really are a shifty bunch.

They're like my crackhead cousin, getting kicked out of everyone's house he crashes at and telling everyone it's their fault.

Telling a Jew to hurry up is a hate crime. You can get the same effect if you tell them a sale is going to end.

chippah they run after it and bang their heads

This is a story about someone being called an epithet and getting hit in the head.

It's weird how much Jew conspiracy horseshit skews your view of reality and makes you mad at strangers for no reason.

I just think physical assault is leaps and bounds worse than "hate speech"

found the kike.

She dindu nuffin

How is it that you manage to be wrong so consistently that it's actually memorable?

Homeboy, you live online and write in all caps about how much you love Hulk Hogan.

"Homeboy?" How did you manage to let that get past the filter and hit enter? You topped your own faggotry.

I know, I wish I had the judgment and cool meter of someone that named themselves One Man Crime Spree on an internet forum. Teach me how to be a bad assm

You're commenting on my O&A show reference name while posting under a non sequitur wacky faggot screen name. Again, you allowed that to get past the filter without realizing the spine chilling embarrassment.

Oy vey.

Good one, Chippa

We live in a society where being a racist is worse than being a violent criminal. But what do I know, give me my sandwich & coffee and I’m good

I like this girl, hasn't been one like her since Dani Mathers.

The perfect woman

If you like chicks who look like Dolf Lundgren

"Hurry up, Jew!"

"Zat is o-fenseeve to moi people. Zat is hate speech and anti-Semitic and paints za Jews in a negative light! Now I'm going to sue you for your naughty words so I can steal your money."

I love this crazy bitch.