Why would anyone who isn't racist care about black crime stats?

0  2018-01-05 by TinKnockinMoroccan

It would be weird if somebody who liked no teams or players and didn't even enjoy the game of baseball constantly talked about batting averages. They'd be labelled an autistic.


He cares about blacks. He's trying to save them.

I'm sure he readily supports black-owned businesses, donates to black scholarships, and volunteers his time to black organizations, ya know since he cares so much.

I agree with the point but the analogy is retarded.

You can choose not to be into a sport but you can't not be a member of a race, can you, dummy?

What does that have to do with somebody needlessly following and memorizing black crime stats that have no affect on their life.

The analogy is stupid, dude, that's all.

For reference, it would work if, for example, you said you were really into golf or basketball but you followed baseball stats even though you had no interest in that particular sport.

So, it would work if it were exactly same, but had an unnecessary additional piece of information in the beginning?

If you don't get it, you don't get it. Don't get your knickers in a twist.

Well you could just be pointing out that one group isn't getting the treatment that their behaviour warrants.

I'm not a racist, but the statistics do show that black people commit more crimes than whites in the US.

Where Flaherty goes wrong is his views on prison. The prison statistics show that somewhere around 50% of the prison population is black, when blacks are only 10% of the population. I mean that factually shows that the legal system recognises the problem too.

Because you don't have to be racist to recognise and acknowledge a disproportionate threat of harm from certain groups. What a fucking stupid question and analogy.

Have you ever been mugged?

Only by Asians.

Knickers stole your gold?

Because Anth thrives on only joy and rage. I'm guessing his sources of joy are more scarce than his sources of rage.

If only Jim Crow would have included the dirty Irish.

It's more about the media that's supposed to be reporting reality not reporting reality

Only care about female midget crime states. Those bitches need the chair.