What did Colin Flarahrheryty even get so mad about?

57  2018-01-05 by hanizen

I've rewatched the episode roughly a dozen times and I honestly have no idea what Ron did that would make a man get that upset with someone


I like to think there are a few bright fellars in here. Is it just me or does it seem like this whole The_Donald style right-wing enlightenment shit is totally played out now? I know we're all sick of Ant's infowars character but Colin really reminded me of just how exhausted I am with the race thing. Black, white, yellar - I think you're all gay.

I have and always will think that Proud Boys are complete faggots.

But I still hate the growing trend of how acceptable it is to shit on white people; without white people being able to shit on them back.

With that said, Donald is a great President and Mel Gibson is a great man.

Proud Boys are complete faggots.

watch out for this guys hot takes


I think Colin is the most annoying, over-the-top obsessive racist.. that even racists get annoyed by him.

The_Donald is a bunch of fags.

He's mad about blacks.

People with a false sense of intelligence and low iq get threatened and use the threat of violence to achieve dominance.

Thank you for your service

Psssh, why don't you try reading a actual science book called The Bell End by Doctor Charlie Murphy and come back and try telling us that a white man has a low IQ. It clearly shows that Blacks are at the stupid end of the Bell Curve with IQ well below 85 while whites are at least 15 points higher, it's just science and there's nothing you can say about it! You just can't handle the irrefutable facts that Conor Flannarry was about to CRUSH that libtard with. Dr. Murray's Bell End clearly points in ONLY ONE direction, and it's right towards my ass ho---- uh, stupid blacks.

Potato niggers

Colin is a little old man right? Who is he to threaten. Ronnie would have a heart attack doing so but he'd definitely beat the piss out of that turd.

The deceit denial and delusion of course

what about the denigration & degradation?


Elegant Elliot Flaherty

Ronnie got in his safe space and triggered him.

He's just a strange, closeted, autistic idiot.

A silly old man with daddy issues and repressed homosexual urges toward coloureds isn't worth your time thinking about.

Hey, guy that made an alt and caught.

I read on the Internet about that.

Which one was his alt?

But enough about Anthony

I've heard he's still hilarious.

A friend of Anthony

He thought Ron was mocking him.

Rightfully so.

He doesnt get jokes. Thats all it was.

It's more that he has forgotten what jokes are. It happens when you get deep into those black crime stats. You gotta try steer every conversation regardless of levity to the disproportionate violent behaviour of chocolate men.

It's almost as if he's on some kind of spectrum.

It's almost like old men don't give a fuck what people think.

Which is why there should be age limits for elected officials.

People like Colin and a lot of White Power guys, or any other group who's primary concern in life is hatred like Muslims, black Afro-centrists, Zionists, or Leftists, live in a constant state of fear, paranoia, and constant warfare, where there's no bargaining with the " enemy." Upon discovering that Ron wasn't a rabid conservative, and even worse, that he was a liberal, Colin was immediately triggered, went on the defensive, and started posturing for the possibility of mortal combat with his foe.

not true! i hate niggers and kikes but love liberals.

so basically the_donald.

Yeah boo hoo for trying to save your country.

Fuck off faggot! People like you ruined my fucking country.

They took our jobs!

How up to date you are you fucking zilch. References from a shitty comedy show 17 years after it was relevant in a political discussion.

Crime is dropping, black college enrollment is increasing.

The more people like you are marginalized, the better things get.

Scared little faggots like you hide behind stereotypes because you're too terrified to have a conversation with a black man because you know your dick is smaller than his and you can't deal with it.

Crime is dropping

Meanwhile you have cities which basically are empty. You have several no-go-zones and black enrollment mean jackshit because it's just to hide unemployment-figures amongst all. And that's just USA. Meanwhile in Sweden they rape like there's no tomorrow.

You're the triggered one you pathetic liberal faggot, look at your dissertation on the issue! Fucking fag.

the libs are ALWAYS the triggered ones! faggots with their clumsy faggot faggity-fag fag rights! get aids and die, faggots!

He's used to going on Ant's show and the 2 of them just recite stats to each other and confirm each other's ideas about black people. Ron was on there and didn't want to talk about black people and crime and that is the whole reason Colin goes on shows so when he saw that this wasn't going to be an hour of uninterrupted and unchallenged "blacks are scary" talk he got annoyed.

He really started to annoy me when Ron was talking about how there are no blockbuster movies about the founding fathers and he says "but how many are there about blacks?". He has absolutely no ability to talk about anything other than how horrible black people are.

I agree. I don't even disagree on three points Ant and Nick Dipaolo bring up on the black crime or blacks in the media, but at least they are capable of talking about other things.


Colin represents everything wrong with extremists. He just... doesn't... "get it." He's so focused on his facts that he's blind to the outside world. Replace a couple words in Colin's horseshit and he'd sound exactly like a BLM protester, a pink-haired Feminist, a YouTube Atheist, etc etc etc.

Pretty much. I love Ant but he does the same shit. Ronnie was right about that trans kid cherry picked story and they act like its becoming a normal thing for an 8 year old to be trans. Its not, its one fucked up family that did that to their son.

people always turn into what they hate, its some psychoanalysis term. Left or Right now matter what your political leanings are the media has a way of drumming up hatred for the other side

I'm prejudiced towards most anything but a debate where everyone always agrees gets old real fast.

Ron put his hand on his leg.

Ronnie didn't sit and listen unquestioningly to his statements that blacks are all evil.
Now I'm not a fan of colored folk but god damn do I hate the Irish.

the Irish are the niggers of Europe

hopefully the good christian lord will save you from the roman popery.

But Colin Quinn is a saint on earth.

He's also a single and sassy sixty year old.

Ron is Irish

He is so obsessed with black criminality being swept under the rug that he only thinks in terms of that. Anything that makes communicating that slightly inconvenient must be either "denial, deceit and delusion". He doesn't think that Ronnie is trying to silence him (deceit) but he's only thinking of the larger picture (the issue not being discussed in public) while he fails to recognise that he's talking to a person who disagrees with his approach entirely (blacks = responsible for their problems), no matter how much data or example he can throw at them.

It was a communication problem, they were operating under entirely different rules of conversation and what's considered fact or not. And he probably isn't an aspie either to fail so horribly, he's just blinded by rage and being silenced everywhere.

But as it was brilliantly pointed out already, it really is pointless to be focused on the blacks so much. They are a victims of their nature and unfavorable circumstances. They're just irredeemable animals, exposing them too much won't accomplish anything. It'll just make you miserable.

yeah, it's the kikes you gotta worry about!

Kikes are the owners walking that pit bull through your yard.

He didn't want the conversation to move outside of race because he can't talk about anything else and he'd look like a moron.

he showed up with the idea that Ronnie is a dumb unenlightened liberal who needs to be put in his place. Doesn't matter what they were talking about, he was going to be a prick one way or another.

The hat and scarf really do throw mixed signals.

Yea, good point on that being the result no matter what. That pissy mick has a deep obsession with black ppl.
And if you don't line up with him, especially on a show where he is used to host Anthony Cumia yanking his own penis in an exhilarated frenzy as he spouts black crime statistics....if a white guy tries to bring any opposing view, that's throwing down the gauntlet.

Man, this guy must've fucked up if he got this sub defending black people.

It's shilling from a couple of libtards.

Ha ya or like a pound or somethin I dunno

Oh, old timey british chippah

Are you going to use the word "cuck" too? Cliche hack.

It's cliché.

Nobody intelligent has ever said "libtard".

Never claimed to be intelligent.

That's what happens when you fuck with royalty. I even agree with the guy but I'll throw him in with the schwoogies if Ron said so.

This sub should love that nig hating homo

I wouldn't go that far.

He probably went from a charming fun racist fnot unlike myself) to a bitter loser who never did anything with his life so now he blames it all on the negros. You gotta keep your racism in perspective. I can’t imagine being Ant with all that money and still harping on this issue.

displacement? sublimation? is that the word?

.... basically, like a lot of political fanatics its a case of 'i cant do anything about my secret feelings or this tiny penis so aaaahhhhh the blacks/women/koreans/whoever'.

He's on the spectrum. He doesn't understand social cues, and cannot deal with being interrupted or someone disagreeing with him. He's a smart guy, but he is not equipped for debate.

I don't know if he's smart but he definitely seemed autistic.

shut up you idiot

Shut up, you idiot.


Did anyone noticed that right before he left when Ron asked him "How would you fix this"? I'm pretty sure Ron was referring to fixing the tension in the room, but Colin Asperger's thought he meant fixed the black problem, so went into a nonsensical tirade about how black people don't go to prison enough due to the liberal media.

No I didnt but that's hilarious. It's like he prepared a written speech and couldn't talk about anything except what he wrote down. Except it wasn't written and it was his brain.

Colin was the perfect bad guest.

A black guy fucked the girl he loved. Now he’s jealous.

you say some weird shit sometimes man.

Thin skinned Irish homosexual.

The man seems book smart but cannot handle himself with small talk. I cannot stand people who hammer through their cause and scoff at any levity. He has no idea how to promote himself. Let him stick to his youtube videos and his typewriter. Old curmudgeon mic

Colin faced a major hurdle, a predicament that many noble and good men will face at some point in their lives -- someone he didn't know was talking and didn't share an invested, obsessive opinion that he has to complete fulfillment. The person he was conversing with didn't see think to correlate his Cause with every single subject that came up in a discussion.

So he decided that that person is everything he hates about the world and passive aggressively insulted him with descriptions that missed the mark and exposed his sheer inability to peg or size someone up properly. He floundered like a chick because you didn't care about his thing.

Wow - do you really think people are going to read all of that?

It's pretty clear why Colin got upset; Ron wasn't telling the truth. Ron knows what happened to his old neighborhood, but doesn't have the guts to call a spade a spade. Colin knew Ron was there to attack him, and he wasn't going to give him the chance.

You fat fucks spend all day here and think reading is too hard

just seeing it now what a fucking douchebag

Holy shit. I had a hard time sitting through to understand what happened. The Thursday J&S Show gave it a good treatment.

Anthony should not have pulled the plug. That was the most unprofessional thing I've heard a broadcaster do in a long time. He did give props to Opie, though, which I though was a nice comment.

liberals like to believe that they are the most intelligent and moral people and have a way of being condescending and dismissive. I think colin picked up on it and got triggered.

I thought Ron was trolling him. Ron asked why there are no revolutionary war movies but a lot of civil war stuff. The answer is obvious: founding fathers are slave owning shitlords and the civil war allows you to have a diverse cast like Glory. it's about the black man's struggle.

Same thing with WW1 vs WW2, you have just as much action in both and interesting story-lines but you only have Nazis and Jews in WW2.

I figured that's what Colin was about to say, since he was bringing up "how many black movies-" but it's hard to tell since Ron cut him off. That's what set him off, Ron kept trolling him with things he knew would upset him. You'd be a fool to think Ron 100% believes what he was saying to Colin, they were perfectly crafted to get a rise out of him and Colin couldn't give it back.

Colin was pissed right off the instant he found out RB wasn't a rabid nigger hater. CF had his heart set on a good, long, thorough nigger bashing session with Ant, but Bennington, basically cock blocked him, in Colin's mind, simply by not partaking.

Rightfully so.

not true! i hate niggers and kikes but love liberals.

so basically the_donald.

It's more that he has forgotten what jokes are. It happens when you get deep into those black crime stats. You gotta try steer every conversation regardless of levity to the disproportionate violent behaviour of chocolate men.

It's almost as if he's on some kind of spectrum.

Yeah boo hoo for trying to save your country.

Fuck off faggot! People like you ruined my fucking country.

You're the triggered one you pathetic liberal faggot, look at your dissertation on the issue! Fucking fag.