The only thing worth listening to is CumTown. I hate myself for saying this but I sometimes enjoy Real Ass Podcast. Downvote away.

0  2018-01-05 by [deleted]


I feel ya man Luis, Nick, and Tim Dillon on real ass podcast is great.

I enjoy some cumtown, but whoever laughs too much annoys me. Not heard much of real ass podcast, but my intuition says some episodes are probably ok.

Its Stavros and he fucking sucks. Can't ever listen to Cumtown or anything with him on it. He ruined the last LOS with Nick Mullen

Adam is the punching bag, but he's so much funnier than Stav. He's been the start of so many funny bits.

I really don't know anything about Cumtown because I can't listen to anything with Stavros

I'll give you that. I can tune him out pretty well because a sibling of mine has the same type of nervous tic laugh he has. You can only care for so long.

It sucks because Nick is pretty funny

What a strange reason not to listen to something good.

It's not exactly like people can help what their laugh sounds like.

Don't you just get used to it after a while.

He laughs at stuff that isn't funny and no

You're 100% not wrong, they did an episode with a black dude that laughed a lot (off-mic if he could), but it wasn't an autistic social tic. Way better. Black guys are physical in their laughs, but that greek tub of shit isn't going to move to laugh. Hard problem to solve.

cumtown, rap, the bonfire and sometime LOS are awesome. i really like this new group of upcoming comedians. IM ALSO A MASSIVE FAGGOT. peckers, joe cumia is a pedo, and my penis is very very small.

My favorite are RAP and LOS, sometimes YKWD depending on whose on.

Big Jay and Dave Smith ruin LOS for me. I like crazy ass Luis Gomez.

Gomez reminds of Vos in that he's kind of a dumbass but it's endearing.

He makes money just like Vos does. He hustles. I respect that.

More Dave Smith. I like big Jay because he’s Gloucester county NJ trash.

Don't mind if I do

RAP is great. Zac Amico is the best sidekick in podcasting. Luis is just a pro's pro at this point. Cumtown I tapped out of because two of the three hosts are unlistenable.

Suck my tube

I read so much shit about how great that podcast is, but I just can't listen. Until they axe Stavros, I can't make it through a full episode.

Nick Mullen should do a burr style solo podcast. I hope he gets 99% of the patreon cash for cum town, Adam is tolerable but Stavros is fucking awful on everything he’s on.

Adam is the punching bag, but he's so much funnier than Stav. He's been the start of so many funny bits.

What a strange reason not to listen to something good.

It's not exactly like people can help what their laugh sounds like.

Don't you just get used to it after a while.