Esther Ku is finally showing her age.

3  2018-01-05 by RBuddCumia


I got jerked off in the pool at the Hyatt Regency in Princeton the weekend she was performing there.

What was his name?

A lady never tells.

Jim Norton

still looks amazing to me... but i think that was your point ;)

I'd still eat her asshole.

That's the thing with Asian women is they can look young for a long time but somewhere between 40 and 50 they get beat with a age stick and start looking like Lo Pan

At least they make it to 40. The mexicans and native american indians around my parts are sexy as fuck but hit a brick wall in their early 30's.

It's rare to see an attractive grandmother


Their asses shift to their stomachs. It's something to behold.

Menopause hits them like a ton of bricks.

And they start wearing track suits and visors

Karl Pilkington was right.


Moon faced bitch

Esther A-Goo!

You forgot the “k”, sir.

Jim Norton

A lady never tells.