Important question: is Colin Flaherty a pedophile? He has yet to deny it

58  2018-01-05 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

Everyone knows you need to deny it multiple times before you're even asked, otherwise you just look guilty.


Let me make this perfectly clear. Colin Flaherty would never fuck a child or do anything inappropriate to them under any circumstance ever if that child is black.

Of course! For instance, if there was a small child running unsupervised in his neighborhood he would never lure the child with sweet treats and rape their young bottoms ferociously.

I don't know. What I do know is I'm not a pedophile.

He can enter into contracts


Relevant username

Shut up you stupid common reddit faggot.

I think he's accused of being a humungus racist.

And much worse, he's accused of being Irish.

he looks like the potato-bothering tinker who did some glazing work for me, 'Patty O'Dawes'

Hugh mungous.

He plays keyboard in a Duran Duran cover band.

Joseph Cumia is NOT a pedophile.

If he is, it sure as hell isn't with negro spawn.

He's Irish. Of course he fucks children. Look at the statistics.

I wonder what the FBI statistics are when it comes to peadophilia and white people

There’s only one way to deny this and that is through the People’s Court during an unrelated civil case.

Based on statistics, he's probably a IRA terrorist, as the Irish are IRA terrorists at an irrationally higher rate than non-Irish.

I'm disgusted to heard these things being said about a noble RACE SCIENTIST like Connor Flaggerman. I'd give my first born to have Chris Kyle back from Jesus' loving arms for even one day so he snipe a couple of these LIBTARDS like hurricane looting animals from the top of Houston Astrodome, but they aren't worth a bullet from the barrel of his blessed gun. BLOOD AND SOIL!