Why does Jim, Sam, Travis, Bobby, all of LOS, Dan Soder, Keith, all staff at compound media, Colin Quinn not have a problem that Anthony clearly hates black people

7  2018-01-05 by Lilcumia

Anthony joking about blacks and arguing points with Patrice was great but Ants on a new level racism now. Like Brother Joe racist. He had that Colin guy on to chat how scummy blacks are but was too afraid cause Ron was there. That Colin is really racist but didnt Ant claim Keith Robinson and Patrice as friends? Chimp noises and 'they aren't people.' OK. Advertising on that kkk podcast. Now Colin 'chocolate city' Faherty. Jim and Sams take was feeling bad for Ant and didnt mention he sides with Colin. Why do people look past it?


i don't have a problem with it. i know plenty of racists, some of them good folk.

are you a fag or something? if you want to live in a perfect world move to disneyland.

that said, fuck the colin guy and his boring bullshit.

Keith the Cop probably hates blacks more than Anthony. The people who work for CM either feel the same way or have jobs to worry about.

For everyone else you mentioned, there's basically nothing to be gained by speaking out against Ant.

Because they do too, but use Ant as their outlet. That's why.


BAWBY: "What if you have a daughter and she brings home a black boyfriend?"

EROCK: "Not happening."

And it's "chocolate hellhole", by the way.


I remember Bob being in studio once and Ant bringing up a conversation they had off air, with Ant distinctly pointing out that Bobby had said he bought something from “some nigger on the street.”

Because blacks don't matter duh

Jim's line in the sand is not retweeting his projects then having allegations of jerking off in front of consenting adults years earlier. Then you're dead to him.

Just another lisping liberal faggot post. Give it a rest, go get your inevitable HIV.

Shut up.

Because he's basically fun to be around. Saying mean shit about black people isn't anything like as big a deal as people claim.

Because black people suck

It's a sign of the times you shitskin. Our nations are under attack and we have been flooded with different races, whom act like hostile forces on our land.

You will see more and more "racists" out in the open as time goes on. It's inevitable.
