Just your typical keyboard warrior on this sub lately

0  2018-01-05 by unclepaul84


Whats annoying about Colin isn't necessarily what he said, but rather how he carried himself.

That's fair

No, it’s not fair. It’s denial, deceit, delusion

denial, deceit, delusion

Today I'm sticking to the 'De' pages of the dictionary.

I don't like de darkies.

Just because Colin is a massive faggot doesn’t make people SJWs

Correct, you all make yourselves the cocksucking faggoty SJWs that you are.

i JuSt wIsH aNt WoUld sToP tAlKinG pOliTics

Politics you don't agree with you liberal faggots.

Lol I’m definitely not a liberal but nice try

Anthony can still be really funny though, unless he wants to just talk politics

This is the easiest way to tell you're a true cocksucking liberal faggot.

Haha are you making fun of someone for not wanting to listen to Anthony Cumia's political ranting? You're calling someone gay for not thinking a another man's political views are funny like you apparently do.

You laugh because you're a pathetic beta coward who can't handle confronting their own views.

The person I was commenting to is just one of the many disingenuous liberal faggots here who bitch about Anthony talking politics as if they'd still bitch with him talking liberal faggot politics. You are also one of these disingenuous pussies who tries to keep a straight (no pun intended) face while pretending like it's a discussion on "rants," i.e. Anthony talking conservative politics, and not the fact it's conservative politics bothering you, you fucking fag.

Nice essay. You're like an overly emotional woman.

It’s the same shit every single time, who wants to listen to that?

No it isn't the same every time, you're just asshurt that he isn't talking liberal horseshit every single time. Kill yourself you fucking reddit faggot.

I don’t want to listen to politics on comedy shows and podcasts, that simple. Left or right

You're lying, you'd say nothing if it was liberal faggotry fit to your palate. To you you don't even notice if it's left leaning, that just sounds normal or middle of the road to you. Fucking fag.

You couldn’t be any more wrong

Because we didn't side with Colin we're all snowflake cucks. Nice post.

Shut up you 34 year old faggot

A pseudo-intellectual cunt with a faggy hat was a humorless bore and somehow if you're not into that you're a SJW. I don't agree with you one bit sir!

A real tough guy manly man has a simply BOTTOMLESS appetite for heaping helpings of RACIAL TRUTH, regardless of the doddering old humorless cunt spooning it to them, libtard. I bet your little girl was born with a sideways vagina because of your inferior snowflake sperm, and I bet you even got suspended from the department the week she was supposed to go in for the corrective surgery! God DAMMIT Goose!

Dat's why u gay

I’m not going to side with a spazz just because he doesn’t like niggers

Lol so true PREACH!

Ya think the white guy still has his wallet.

You couldn’t be any more wrong