Two far-below-average-intelligence heebs team up to pretend to debate to trick the goyim into thinking they have a political choice.

0  2018-01-05 by TheDarkFezRises


crazy how after the election, these 2 dopes, gavin, alex jones and that brown guy named cenk just disappeared. Fuck em all in the butt and lets move on

Shapiro only started acting jewish in public when the trolls kept bringing it up. Before that he was trying to hide it.

They are far below average intelligence because I disagree with them on their politics. Also say goyim so people won't assume you're a political limp wrist, fag.

Please try and present a case for either being of even average intelligence that doesn't amount to "their rich families bought them a place at elite universities". This will be fun.

A PhD in neuroscience.

Please try and present a case for either being of even average intelligence that doesn't amount to "their rich families bought them a place at elite universities"

You're a fucking tool.

You're stupid, that's fine. But at least try to present an argument, don't just embarrass yourself straight away.

I'll help you get started, why don't you tell me about how he doesn't believe in god?

You think "the Jews gave it to him" is an argument. That's why I just stated the obvious instead of tried to have a discussion with someone that is demonstrably of below average intelligence.

Then I read your last line. You still believe in God?

Like I said. You're a tool. You have just enough of a brain to grasp a simple concept so that others can use you to spread their bullshit.

You're a hammer being used (poorly) on nails, you're not a carpenter nigga.

You still believe in God?

And this is where your incredibly low intelligence trips you up and exposes you as a fool. No, I don't believe in god, but the very mention triggered your cultist instincts.

You have simple minded buffoons like Harris etc who are functional in the sense that they can repeat status quo talking points, then because they are very stupid but promoted as smart people of even lower intelligence (you) hop on the bandwagon and dorm a cult. So....

Like I said. You're a tool. You have just enough of a brain to grasp a simple concept so that others can use you to spread their bullshit.

You're a hammer being used (poorly) on nails, you're not a carpenter nigga.

The cult of not listening to Harris?

You're trying to pigeon hole me because you're too stupid to understand nuance.

You made a statement. You tried to say that someone who is demonstrably intelligent, and respected by academics, is of "below average" intelligence.

Not only are you factually incorrect, your only evidence to the contrary is that his mother is an Ashkenazi Jew. The average Ashkenazi has an above average IQ ( making your argument even more ludicrous and unlikely.

Luckily for you, you're too stupid to understand the irony of your cult accusations, or you'd be humiliated. You're a clueless moron.

This is an O&A subreddit, we all call people faggots and niggers, there are no SJWs here for you to have your rehearsed arguments with, mouth breathing hick.

Rein in the emotion a little bit since you're totally not a fan boy who definitely doesn't listen to Harris.

Yet you still can't even present one argument for this "demonstrably intelligent" person, is that because you're literally so stupid you cant understand what's being asked of you or because you're just smart enough to realize it can't be done?

You're embarrassing yourself further by trying to argue he's smart because Ashkenazi have above average IQ, let's get Colin Flaherty in here to tell us Obama is a murderous thug due to black crime statistics, you boob. I won't even start on your "retards respect this retard so he must be super smart" argument.

Yes, we call people faggots, niggers, and retards here, most people don't get all bent out of shape about it and then pretend they aren't.

Saying someone with a PhD in an incredibly complex and complicated field has a below average IQ is moronic.

Saying someone with his ethnicity is below average IQ makes it scientifically improbable.

Taking into consideration that evidence, you're "fucking retarded" to even suggest that his IQ would be below 100.

As for Obama, his father had a Masters in Economics from Harvard. That alone puts him in a different demographic than the typical uneducated black male from a broken home. He also grew up upper middle class. There's a reason that demographic studies control for education and social class, it's because the higher you go, the lower the crime rate goes.

I could present a dozen quotes from respected, educated people (Jordan Peterson for one) that feel that way about Sam, but it's not worth the effort considering that troll is an unreasonable extremist at best.

clean your room

Holy shit! This guy is a genius, we must respect his opinion.

Again, a PhD. A tenured professor. He worked at fucking Harvard.

Is Peterson on the level of Freud or Einstein? Definitely not, but he's more than established, and his views on politics and religion don't align with Harris' at all, so there's no reason to believe he's a shill, involved in this kike conspiracy to prop up the borderline retarded Sam Harris as a legitimate intellectual, which is the argument your boy is trying to make.

Nobody has said anything about shills. I'm not sure who my boy is supposed to be in this instance.

You're acting like I'm arguing in bad faith, asking trick questions, or not asking you for a legitimate answer.

Peterson is a whole other can of worms with your reference to a "kike conspiracy", why is he so genuinely terrified of anyone questioning Jewish influence that he has to throw out retarded strawman arguments and ban someone from his "free speech" event because he seemed them not to have asked significantly adversarial questions when they were a surprise guest on a podcast?

Again, these are not trick questions. A genuine answer would be appreciated.

It's ok. Community College is just as good.

Harris' Golden Girls fortune did buy him the decade of travelling and silent meditation retreats, and pay for some significant part of his doctoral research in some circuitous, donation-to-foundation-to-school way, those people will always find a way Chippa. I like Harris a lot but his love for and trust of the state is something only someone as life-long absurdly rich as he is could have (and his family is rich as fuck, check out his step dad's house ).

He obviously wouldn't have anything positive to say about any other country except Israel with blatant apartheid, even the exchange he had with Andrew Sullivan on his website about Israel shows his bias pretty clearly. All that being said, he is clearly smart, people nitpick his neuroscience background and fair enough I guess, but even some of the absolute most respected, credentialed, award-winning people in the field like genius-grant recipient Robert Sapolsky agree with Harris.

I've done my best to ignore and avoid just about anything having to do with Shapiro, but I did hear some excerpt from his novel and he is assuredly a dolt.

they are two "opposites" yet they are both in line when it comes to Zionism and Israel.

thats all you need to know, to know that they are both fake.

Eh, I take your point, but Sam was willing to have at it with Andrew Sullivan over it, who, for a fairly mainstream guy, is pretty rabidly anti-Zionist at this point, and Sullivan pretty clearly gets the edge on him and Sam actually seems to accept defeat on certain points.

Sullivan: Genocide can mean the intention to kill a whole race—rather than the actual successful attempt to do so. The former chief rabbi of Israel, spiritual leader to many Middle Eastern Jews, said among other things that the Palestinians should “perish from the world.”

Harris: Andrew, you are changing the topic. Stick with our man in the Knesset. I have no doubt that you can find a genocidal rabbi who’s going to liken the Palestinians to the Amalekites and deem them fit for slaughter.

Sullivan: The chief rabbi of Israel, whose funeral was attended by 800,000 people, is not some fringe figure.

Harris: I’m happy to excoriate the ultra-Orthodox as much as you want. But the question is, how many Jews in the world does this rabbi speak for? As I make clear in my post—

Sullivan: —the chief rabbi of Israel. Or how about the former head of Israel’s National Security Council who wants all Gazans, including women, to be thought of as enemy combatants and therefore to be killed.

Harris: Are you alleging that a significant percentage of Jews have genocidal intentions toward the Palestinians? Is that the punch line here?

Sullivan: I’m saying an alarming and growing number of Israelis hold those views. And it’s not a punch line.

I've been a pretty close follower of Harris for the last couple years and I think this is actually the worst I've seen him look in an argument. The Head of the National Security Council in any country making comments like that would, fairly, draw his ire in basically any case not involving Israel. Sam later just claims not to even know who these people are. I wish they would actually revisit this debate on the podcast.

If you are following anyone closely for several years, you are doing it wrong. Nobody has years worth of ideas. Always try to find something new. It does not matter if you align politicaly with person or not.

I mostly follow him through his podcast, two hours or so a few times a month isn't really that much time, even over the course of two years, especially when there's new guests all the time. I'm not actually as interested in the politics, though that's a big part of the show lately.

..pretty close follower of Harris for the last couple years...

were your words, not mine

but more accurate would be

I listen to his podcast for two plus years now

which is fine as long as you listen different people/opinions from time to time.

I don't think anyone who posts here listens to one person or show, it's just a figure of speech, I follow his shows just like I do a bunch of other people, even shitty old Antwan Kumiyah and the worm and Rich Vos and so on. I don't know how it would occur to you that there's some sort of exclusivity implied.

it's just a figure of speech,

its sometimes hard to tell if person you are talking to on internet is retard or (kind of normal) normal person.

Its like trying to be sarcastic on internet. doesnt translate well. thus need for "/s" in most of the cases.

thats why I always first assume other person is retard until proven otherwise.

Its easier that way.

thats why I always first assume other person is retard until proven otherwise.

Ha, well considering the company we keep around this place, better safe than sorry I suppose.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Oh, Mother Chipperson, that's no way to talk!

I mostly follow him through his podcast, two hours or so a few times a month isn't really that much time, even over the course of two years, especially when there's new guests all the time. I'm not actually as interested in the politics, though that's a big part of the show lately.