Ronnie B with the line of the week. To Colin," Did you drive all the way up from Delaware?"

64  2018-01-04 by WhippingHuskies


I've heard the show 3 times at this point and did not realize this was supposed to be a funny line. Just thought he was genuinely concerned.

That's what made it so much more beautiful. It was so subtle and a great shot at this dude who was openly antagonistic once he realized Ronnie wasn't a conservative.

For us simple folk, how is that a good burn?

Because he believed Ron's false sincerity. He thought he was backing down and trying to get the show back on track but he was taunting him.

Most of Bennington's fans don't get it, either - they just pretend everything he says is funny, that his comedy is "sophisticated" and "subtle," and that if you don't think it's funny, you're a "rube" or a "mark," or some insult incorporating the word "carney."

There are some things that are funny about Ron, like his Tom Waits cosplay, wearing two pairs of glasses to cover up his bald spot, his undertaker complextion, his weight, height etc.

Ron is good at what he does for a living. I don't agree with him most of the time but I also don't write books where I whine like a faggot about race.

Have you listened to his show lately?

I didn't know his show manifested itself into a book about race. Someone should warn SiriusXM subscribers that their radio is about to become a book.

this critique needs more quotation marks

(("This critique"))

You're what we call a "faggot"

You're what I call a "cuck."

What are you about? You seem unlikeable.

I'm about hating faggot limeys like you.

Enough about me, though. Are you anything besides angrily lashing out? It’s kind of boring.

Nah, lets stick with you, you limey faggot. Sucked any muslim dick this week?

I’m bored and drunk. I’m genuinely interested in you. What do you do? Why so angry? And no, I haven’t sucked any dick, muslim or otherwise.

I don't believe you - I'm pretty sure you've sucked quite a few muslims dicks. I mean, you're British after all - it's sort of what you guys are all about. I do believe you're drunk, though; the British are all drunks, and nearly as bad as the Russians. Sad really, how you're basically an entire nation of drug addicts; it's a big part of why you're such an unproductive country. That and your absurd obsession with soccer.

Okay, sure. I’m sucking muslim dicks right now. I can’t help it, I’m British. I take it you dislike muslims, dicks, and brits? What do you like?

What's it like to have once ruled the world, then having the whole world invade your country? Why did you guys just roll over and let them shove their kababs up your arse (we say "ass," but I'll speak Brit to you)? And what's with the alcoholism? Why are all of you such drunks, sitting around the pub, wasting your lives away? Something broke your spirit - what was it? Jews sold you on colonizer's guilt?

I like how you edit your replies to be longer if I don’t respond fast enough. It really helps make up for the loss of my country. What broke your spirit? It was the jew colonizer guilt for me.

It was something, and it's sad to see a once great empire crumbling. I understand why you all drink so much. Are there a lot of Mosques in your neighborhood? Do you eat a lot of doner kebab? The last time I was there, every third shop was some paki or turk roach selling mystery meat on a skewer.

Holy shit, we’re finally on the same page. Döner kebab is Opie’s tits. I knew you were an alright dude. Seriously though, I wish all the best for you. One love!

So you sold your country for kebab. Sad.

Everything you said is right. The more this sub downvotes a post, the more true it is

there were definitely better lines

I don’t get it.

I don't get it

So what’s the slam there Opie? The guy is from Wilmington, Delaware.

the fact that he's from there, and made a career of discussing the black problem in America, and is using his hometown of Delaware as a launching pad and beach head for this crusade.

crime stats are only valid if you are from somewhere plagued with black crime, gotcha.

That wasn't the point. Apparently this guy does come from yet another neighborhood that was completely savaged from white flight, black attack. It was the context of the argument, at which point they had already had an irreparable falling out and killed the show. Colin had gone into full "this fat fuck is the enemy," mode, while Ron was trying to diffuse the situation and salvage the show as best he could. Colin just wouldn't let it go and had essentially pigeonholed Ronnie as the delusional bleeding heart liberal without any ability for reason, logic, which led him to drop the line.


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Are you replying to your own reply to affirmatively support yourself? Did you forget to log into your alt account?

no, I added commentary later to explain myself.


in retrospect it was a good line, he said earlier where he was from, it wasn't delaware

I wonder what Opie would have done had he been dead stared like that ...

He would do exactly what he did last time someone did that...he would start crying.

I only heard the argument once and I took it as you reallytook the drive the all the way from Delaware to sprack off about race statistics? You fucking loser.

Very possible I'm wrong because I wasn't really paying attention. But if he said it meaning that I thought it was funny. Not line of the week though.

Ron saying "oh you're a tough guy now?" When that faggot said it'd be the shortest boxing match ever was my favorite line of the argument. It wasn't necessarily funny but that line mixed with the fucking dog face stare he was hitting that bore with was great.

Yea, I'm fairly certain that's what was happening. The dude shows up in a fury, and goes all militant about black crime, while Ron was trying to be funny and lighten up the mood and salvage the show.

OK, someone clue me in, what in the fuck does this have to do with Gregg "Opie" Hughes, based on the other posts to this thread?

Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah, I don't get it. I just took it as Ron trying to give a reason for Anthony not to throw the guy out (saying he drove all the way here, might as well stay).

After there was a real moment I think Ron would've rather debated Colin and continue to make him look like a fool.

I dunno. I have no idea why the titted one is being mentioned here.

hurr durr old drug addict who looks like a bag lady nailed dat cocksucka hurr durr

uh oh, someone doesnt like ronnie b. nigga is you serious?

he was funny like in the last 2 years of o n a thats about it he wasnt good before or after IMHO

he wasnt on OnA that much. He had his own show which was equally as hilarious on both of their best days. Go listen to ron and fez and see how wrong you are my friend

i tried, its unlistenable

he was only interesting in context of the o n a show hes not some master shit stirrer, they just kissed his bag lady ass please downvote me

You're conversing with yourself.


Stop typing in nigger speak you embarrassing white faggot.

U be crazy, cuz

nigga wildin

You're literally fucking retarded and destined for HIV. I only wish I could find out when it happens and laugh at you.

haha why are you so angry?

yeah primo

Chill Fam. This shit aint worth crying over.. itll be alright


U R, I ain’t ride no special bus to school from Kindergarten until Junior High.

I'm not the biggest Ronnie B fan, although I generally enjoy him and think he's pretty funny and quick as they come, as his tough guy persona and empty liberal platitudes get annoying after awhile, not unlike Anthony's obsessions with the catastrophe that is black America. Having said that, he was pretty fucking funny today, and dealt with someone who was remarkable antagonistic quite well. The aforementioned line was the first in the universe of the recent show that actually made me belly laugh.

I know nothing about him, and until yesterday I didn’t really appreciate his humor, but I could always tell he wasn’t a complete retard, and had more common sense then any of the shows I heard him in ( Jim and Sam mostly)

Most of Bennington's fans don't get it, either - they just pretend everything he says is funny, that his comedy is "sophisticated" and "subtle," and that if you don't think it's funny, you're a "rube" or a "mark," or some insult incorporating the word "carney."

There are some things that are funny about Ron, like his Tom Waits cosplay, wearing two pairs of glasses to cover up his bald spot, his undertaker complextion, his weight, height etc.

Because he believed Ron's false sincerity. He thought he was backing down and trying to get the show back on track but he was taunting him.

I’m bored and drunk. I’m genuinely interested in you. What do you do? Why so angry? And no, I haven’t sucked any dick, muslim or otherwise.

I don't believe you - I'm pretty sure you've sucked quite a few muslims dicks. I mean, you're British after all - it's sort of what you guys are all about. I do believe you're drunk, though; the British are all drunks, and nearly as bad as the Russians. Sad really, how you're basically an entire nation of drug addicts; it's a big part of why you're such an unproductive country. That and your absurd obsession with soccer.