"I guess I forgot to laugh"

123  2018-01-04 by lobotomy75

Colin Faggotry sounded quite like our pal Joe Matarese


It’s hard for me to not identify with a virulently racist Irish dude, but this Colin character is a real jerk.

He's no Albert Fish, that's for sure.

When Ron tried to lighten it up and say it'd be the worlds oldest boxing match and that idiot said it'd be the fastest, that was the biggest faggot tough guy thing to do. Everything about that guy is just out of place.

It's totally one of the classic "douche chill" moments, where as soon as you say it you wanna crawl inside of your own asshole.

Watching Anthony not know who to side with between...

  • A friend
  • Someone leaning further right than his friend

...was entertainment GOLD.

Every time the camera cut to Ant, you could see him sweat; hoping no one makes him choose between his two favorite things (his friends, and the alt-right).

Watching Ant's descent into full-blown Nazi'ism, and how this is affecting his relationships, has been the best part of following his Twitter account since he got fired. And the best part? Situations like that one are going to happen more and more as Ant keeps leaning further right, while his more reasonable right-wing friends know better.

Seriously, when was the last time anyone here saw Ant ball-bust or so much as disagree with a single word from the alt-right? They're superheroes to him. Ant wouldn't know who to save between a Nazi and his own mother if the choice was presented to him.

Does the Nazi have dementia?

No, he's perfect in every way, at least in Ant's eyes.

He didn't visit his mom out of guilt for his Regan peanut brain impressions

he keeps the hits coming when it comes to anti social behavior

WE HEARD YOU! you already copied and pasted this in another post.

There's a safe space over there that's free of my comments. Feel free to seek refuge there, my emotional friend.

PS: For every time you whine about the comment, I will add it to another thread. Because fuck you, that's why.

WOW! You sure told me!

Right back at you, kid.

Haha. He really got mad off one joke. Ron didn't even disagree at all with him.

"I don't have a worldview" Ronnie rules.

You gay ass liberal faggots love it when somebody appears not to take a side despite being a full blown HIV liberal, but it's really because you cocksucking queers have no conviction, can't defend your views, and know your only way to survive as "politically minded" is not to engage anyone but fellow liberal queers on issues.

This post explains exactly why it was as funny as it was when Ronnie said that to the person that he did.

That faggot didn't even have a solution. Criminals should go to jail I agree; shut him down completely. 😆

You sound like a fag.


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Ok. What are your views, friend?

Wanna be tough guy. He is an old dude trying to look like some 1930's dock worker.

he chomps his dentures together after he says it too

Sherlock Holmes lookin mother fucka

I had to watch the dead stare a bunch of times, they never broke, and ant left hangin on his im still funny ... it was great

It just goes to show how real Ron is with his corner stories, Ron was so ready to throw down

Compare that to Opie and his tame bullshit "Coke" days stories. How would opie handle the dead stare .. ?

haha, I just hear Ron later say "You got nervous like a Girl" to Ant later. He wasn't even joking, and it was hillarious

Allie comes into the studio to explain why she's crying

When asked why she says, "It's because I'm a woman"

Ron: "Well apparently so is Anthony"

Thats the best line so far

On replays, this was my favorite part. Colin sounded so rattled.

Yeah that's something you say when you're getting gassed up but you don't know what to do. His voice even went kinda silly-sounding as he said it cause he subconsciously knew he was starting shit.

It was the silliness of his voice which made it my favorite part.

There was a moment where him and Ron just stared at each other for like a whole minute. That was probably my favorite

You're right. Let's fuck him up!

If Ron would have stabbed him in the neck with a pencil at that point I'd have understood.

I was hoping for the Rambo 2, Murphy I'm coming to get you microphone face smash


Fez taught him patience.

You hear a little girl? Ace, is that a little girl crying?

He once killed three men in a bar with a pencil. With a fucking pencil

Baba Yaga

Buried that cock'sucka!

He does this fucking denture chomp after he says it that makes me wanna take his stupid Irish hat off and throw it in a puddle.

Ewwwww i just heard it. Omg is that infuriating to listen to. Guess I forgot tah laff. chomp

Ahah tah laahhhhfff.

Fawk yeah!!!!

Fawkin home run Pee Wee!

I'd go to war for Ronnie B

Ronnie B don't need your help, he's got this.

Fuck that brown cock suckin Ronnie,and his retarded kid.

I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what am I?

nonononononono you dont understand - see these chocolate people are ruining everything .....

If the O&A show was still running, this would have been a great drop for Ant's soundboard to be pushed everytime Opie made a 'joke'.

Colin Flaherty must live such a miserable life. Writing books about why black people suck and shit.

Are these books found in the "shit everyone knows" section?

The so non fiction there doesn't need to be a book on this section

And shiznittt*

Ga'own naw

They write them selves


Conspiracy theory: Ant didn't bump him because of the argument, he bumped him because he was a bore that was bringing down the show.

It can be both.

How about we address the fact that Ron literally had NOTHING. He just stared at him awkwardly.

He pulled that straight out of the Captain Wacky's Hilarious Zingers of 1987 playbook.

Careful, Colin is 100% Irish if you know what I mean...

Did you hear the snap of his teeth the first time he said it? the man is an chocolate city animal

There was a moment where him and Ron just stared at each other for like a whole minute. That was probably my favorite

No, he's perfect in every way, at least in Ant's eyes.

Yeah that's something you say when you're getting gassed up but you don't know what to do. His voice even went kinda silly-sounding as he said it cause he subconsciously knew he was starting shit.