This guy has his finger on the pulse, ladies and gentlemen.

97  2018-01-04 by RBuddCumia


Idiot spelt fawk wrong

What kind of simpleton can't open a box of cereal?

Lynsi probably always did it for him before the divorce.

Opie is the guy that 'Seen on TV' crap is made for. "You go to eat breakfast but oh no! Flakes everywhere! No matter how perfectly you tear the bag it won't cooperate. Well, no need to eat off the floor anymore! Introducing The Cereal Dominator!"

Nah broseph, ya dont know how them shits can tear in unexpected ways dude, this guy gets my regular life

Gotcha. Well at least you'll never run out of milk.



If you're too dumb to open with fingers, use scissors you sissy millionaire.

What 60 year old eat cold cereal?

Im surprised we didn't get a scorch like air check or twitter poll about what kind of cereal you think the opster eats, oh and he is going to drop tons of cash over Manhatten, just stay tuned to his twitter!

At one point in time he had a personal chef.

Ah, as the dominos continue to fall...

He used to also have a wife and the right to see his children more than every other weekend.

Ok, Florentine.

"And don't you hate how difficult it is to tie your own shoes? Am I right gang??"

My wife makes me breakfast and dinner everyday. Opie choose poorly.


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Always trying to "figure things out"

People with autism usually are

In the end

lotta problems in that box

Honestly, what in salt water makes our bodies reject it so harshly?

I wanna know what's going through this fucking retards mind every time he thinks he has some genius tweet that the world must hear.

He’ll never be able to open cereal correctly with this retarded thumbs

What kind of cereal do you think Opie eats?

FAWWWWK. My FAWKIN kids dont know how to open a cereal box correctly. spends 45 minuets talking about cereal. - Opie and Anthony show circa 2014.

not gonna lie, this simple tidbit of shared human complaint, free of any strife or frissures of disagreement, has made me feel cozy in this moment. let us remember our common struggles, the big and small, and realize how alike we all are in the end


You're slowly dying and never going to find true love.

Use Tupperware, mother fucker. Cereal stays fresh as fuck.

And what’s the deal with airline peanuts?

Yo nigga, your syntax is straight busted

This is the man who also cleans up his piss with his sock instead of grabbing some toilet paper which is right there. Just an utter moron.

or leaving it sit there like every other normal human being, hoping it goes away on its own.

Stymied again trying to open his Lean on Me.

@TruckerGuy772 - this is why we need you back on the air Ope! Won't be able to subscribe fast enough once you ink a lucrative new deal with a major platform. #BringBacktheRadioGold

ME: trust me, talks are happening and heating up but in the end the fit has to be just right for me and my guys.

I love how he doesn't buy Twitter followers anymore so if you check he loses like 100-200 per day.

Which race will Gregg Hughes finish first-

The race to senility, full blown dementia?

Or a red painted bedroom ceiling when the long overdue moment of clarity hits him, and he realizes what kind of person he's been for the last 45 years?

I want the Kubrickesque red-ceiling'd bedroom moment.

Does anyone remember his tweets that said "guess its time to get a job"? Haven't seen one of those in a while...

2 RT nice Numbaz going up

goddamn I literal lol'd

I’ve never commented on this dolt’s idiocy but what the fuck is he talking about? Go shoot up a golf course.

Hot takes!

Opie's daily routine:

Wake up, walk through your empty apartment, google"hack 80's jokes", tweet one, call sharrod and carl and offer them $750 to have a burger with you and do a show.

What a nobody.....

I literally cannot relate to this at all

His likes and retweets are just sad. I have loser friends who do better than that.

I have literally never struggled opening a cereal bag ever in my life