wow that is the most awkward radio show i have ever seen....

0  2018-01-04 by sarahemmingway

that colin guy is very rude and racist he had no reason to be that way to ronnie maybe he was jealous ron was taking all his time away to talk...



This ho still runnin her mouth? 😠 😠 😠 Bitch I will shove a tampon in your mouth and light it like a menthol

that colin guy ith very rude and rathitht he had no reathon to be that way to ronnie maybe he wath jealouth ron was taking all hith time away to talk...

Mods, delete this post. There's nothing but parody accounts here and it makes me sick. Does anybody care to explain this?

Tbf Ant was the one who made it awkward.

"There's the... spaghetti."