Boy, does that Colin Flaherty hate niggers!

46  2018-01-04 by Compound_MediaPR


What does he think about the Irish being useless drunks?

He has statistics, you see. It's not racism, it's math.

math was invented by European ladies to kill time while their husbands cooked

This joke was funny on Family Guy when it was made about Soccer.

King of the Hill

it's racism AND math. Math says niggers are animals.

I bet him and Anthony both cheered at the end of Kathryn Bigelow's "Detroit" and tugged each others peckers

You forgot...he also has nothing else to add.

Something, something "chocolate hell hole"

Thats what i call my wife's asshole djring anal after taco night.

I've never heard of djring anal, but if it involves turntables and ring toss, please go on.

His statistics are pointless without also calling out their Jew enablers.

I think you nailed it, palsie

He really is on babby's first red pill, especially talking about neighborhoods. In his book The Slaughter of Cities, E Michael Jones documents how the WASP and Jewish elite conspired together to flood inner cities with blacks to break up Catholic ethnic neighborhoods and thereby diminish Catholic political power.

I feel like the jews and muslims don't get enough hate. Blacks are an easy target, if he went after jews I'd be impressed.

Holy shit, you're still alive?

He's too busy fucking with groypers and thots on twitter to bother with us that much these days

What's his handle these days?


I am not fond of the nigger either. I love hanging with black dudes that are normal dudes though. Wiggers are scum of all scum in my opinion.

Irish people are niggers.