It's pretty hilarious that the guy talking about black violence being disproportionate amongst races, threatens to fight someone who disagrees with him.

134  2018-01-04 by plane2nowhere

Whether he's right or wrong, it would seem like a bad strategy in getting your point across, even to the layman.


Even worse that it was someone who was disagreeing with him in a way that was conversational and injected with humor. Everytime Colin tried to pull his tough guy shit Ron stepped up to him but each time things cooled down a bit Bennington made effort to mend fences. Before Flaherty leaves, Ron even shows concern that this guy may have made a long drive just to do this show and he doesn't want to do that to him. Colin, not for one second, ever considers that he got in Ron's way but is certain Ron got in his.

Ron was right though, he didn't do anything except make some harmless jokes. I dont know why Ant, and that piece of shit Keith, were acting like it was a booking mistake.

Ron can handle being in a 'serious' conversation, but the dude was the one who couldnt handle having any light hearted jokes while he was being serious. <That was the problem.

Colin's dumb one-idea-at-a-time brain also thought Ron was disagreeing with him or a cliche liberal or something, when Ron didn't even challenge any of his views very directly.

He blamed everyone but himself because he couldn't fake smile and laugh his way through it for the first time ever.

haha Colin says he has other stuff going on in the city and tries to play it off like he didn't come all the way up from Delaware just to talk to Ant about how black people are scary.

My though exactly. That fag acted just like a nigger

How anyone can look at the current justice / prision system and still imply we aren’t locking enough (black) people up is beyond belief. Not to mention, it shows how out-of-touch he when he says it’s hard to go to jail. He sucks and Anthony having him on even without other guests is a testament to the awfulness that is his broadcasting career post O&A.

Show me someone who is judgmental and ill show you a hypocrite, right fellas?

Actually, Ron approached the idea of fighting. They both really didn't seem to care for eachother but colins irritation about waiting to go on ignited it.

He knows Ant's not white right?

Good question. I know the new Bladerunner dude didn't come across as a jew in the believer. So I can see how one could be confused.

Ant doesn't fight, and knows his place. One of the good ones.

But he does bite.

You are a retarded, unfunny faggot reciting beaten to death lines.

This is mean spirited sir.


He must have the ol coon gene like Ant.

Tssskk what about the standman or the sitman?

Yeah but black people are violent so your point is invalid

Colin is probably drunk. He’s Irish, you know how those people like to drink and fight.

Just look at the statistics. Alcoholism and domestic abuse rates among the Irish is disproportionate even when controlling for education level and social class.

The IRA murdered over 1700 people over 3 decades in terrorist attacks.

Ireland contines to be the most dangerous part of the British Isles, but I'm sure it has nothing to do genetics...

You should write a book about Irish violence, document it, all over the isles and how it's wildly out of proportion. That's the one crazy part... but again, you document this stuff.

Then the moron took to twitter calling Ron a wanna be tough guy. Yet, he was the one who was saying "if we boxed it would be over fast"

Fucking douche

to be fair Ron is a morbidly obese, diabetic middle aged dad who probably has bed sores and can't reach his feet to scrub them. And he still acts like a tough guy.

Ron's self righteousness is so pathetic. Morbidly obese cigar chain smoking 60 year old that does a show with his fucking daughter. Fuck Ant, but fuck Ron just as much.

This sub's defense of him is fucking pathetic. I used to find him tedious but now I can't even watch shit he's on cause his self righteousness rages me so much.


pm me pics of your penis

go get em guys! Bad Ass!!!!!!!

keep defending your unfunny morbidly obese daddy

im not defending shit im joking around. maybe peel yourself back from the computer youre hunched over and go out and have a face-to-face conversation with someone for the first time this week

go get em guys! Bad Ass!!!!!!!

The Irish aren't technically white, in the ethnostate they would be serf underlings running errands for their nordic masters. (While drunk obviously)

Colin reeks of "my wife was a drunken train recipient of an NBA starting lineup."

fawk yeah black peckahs


it was classic alt right contradiction

white man gets tough, then bitches up

Is it?