Danny Ross trying to act black on black Philip bugs me

0  2018-01-04 by JessesManPanties


You could've left out "trying to act black on black Phillip"

im sure danny ross cares what some nobody on reddit thinks of a 10 year old show

Yes he does considering he's come here multiple times defending himself like a fucking faggot.

I’m somebody and I’m special Danny

let this thread serve as a reminder that nobody danny ross is > /u/JessesManPanties

why bring him up? no one cares what bugs you

Cause I listened to the show again recently. Says you Danny.

you are obsessed with the man, move on

This is the first time I mentioned you. Grow up Danny.

you all up in dannys ass, good for him

Danny needs to worry about washing dishes.

Danny eats hot Java Logs

It shouldn't, it's not like Danny is white.