Anyone know how to view any facebook profile without being friends?

0  2018-01-04 by aceop

I'm sure I'll be trashed but:

My sjw brother is slandering me online and I want screenshots to ruin his life with.

Is there any way to view a full facebook profile without being directly "friended"?


you should get outside more

This is a petty forum for petty people.

FUBU... but a different acronym that doesn't quite roll off the tongue.

tss, why not Pelle Pelle or sumptin?

Get a mutual friend to screen cap for you.

Let's assume he doesn't have any.

He's having an online argument with his own brother.

A political science degree brother who went from sucking Bill O'Reilly dick to worshipping Hillary and eschewing everything he once stood for. There are careers to ruin here.

You're going to ruin his career by getting screenshots of him insulting you on Facebook.

Sounds like a concrete plan.

pretty farfetched... that sounds pretty farfetched

Sounds like a lateral move. Maybe he was always a piece of shit.

Didnt think of it as lateral. well put.

Can't you just work it out with him as men instead of stooping to his level with this online shaming horse shit? You guys both oozed out of the same rancid pussy, can't you relate on that level at least?

Tried that, provided him a free place to live for 2 years. Now he throws me under the bus to his friends thinking it wouldnt get back to me saying I'm evicting him with no notice. He's a nigger.

Ouch, that's some Brother Joe ingrate shit right there. You can only hope that his Facebook friends are either inconsequential douchebags like him, or they can see through his bullshit and not hold anything against you.

In heaven, everyone’s Facebook profile is viewable without being friends. So go fucking kill yourself.

Sounds idyllic