Just watched Chappelle special on Netflix has me pity the guy. Went from being respected by black people to only have a bunch of SJWs in his audience.

8  2018-01-03 by Shattered_Hawk


Yeah poor guy making all that money.

How the fuck are black folk gonna afford his ticket prices?

Grand larceny

Selling stolen Visios.

Money still spend.

It's a little too whiney nigger. His old stuff was about 90% hilarious vs 10% whiney nigger. His new special is about 50-50 with the hilarious/whiney nigger ratio.

While we're at it (h/wn) should be a standard rating system for comedy.

Chris Rock is like 2-98, right?

White people be like

I liked the new Chappelle specials, but I think he'd be twice as funny playing to an audience of Doug Stanhope fans. Most comics probably would.

He spent half the time complaining about how difficult black people have had it, so of course, he's now the greatest comic ever.

I wanted to firebomb the crowd on the second special. Most of all the woman that stood up and clapped when he said he voted for Hillary.

If you want to talk anything related to alienation on Chappelle's part, doesnt he only have himself to blame? He's the one that decided to throw all his momentum and career away for so long. He's still funny, but his out of touchness, pomposity are very present.

I'm sure they had a voracious debate following the show about the ethics of his controversial bits

Is he the funny black comic that became a nigger.

Grand larceny

Selling stolen Visios.