I was looking forward to Ron this week...

5  2018-01-03 by The-Lunger

But today's guest wrote Don't Make the Black Kids Angry. Please don't waste precious Ronny B time with this shit. Save it for the shows you have a comic no one knows. If I'm being optimistic, maybe Ron can save it from being another ponderous discussion about race.


If Ronnie b in 2018 is as entertaining as you kiss asses say he is he shouldn't have a problem making the show entertaining. Try not to get triggered by facts, btw.

Yeh Rons not that great. Ron and Fez seemed like a show where O&A fans thought they were clever if they said that show was better than O&A ...it wasn't ...it stank

Or, you know, some people actually liked it better.

Ok, he's not a whole show guest. I take it back. Perhaps I over reacted a bit.

Ronnie should just spend all week getting Ant to cry. He needs a good blubber.

Did ya