A lot of large and really deep thoughts to be found here

2  2018-01-03 by TonyFromLongIsland


What do you expect?

Reddit is gay as shit.

Imagine you wake up one day to find that you're a physically revolting invertebrate comedian who has been sucking penises regularly since the age of 7. You're not a great stand-up but through a series of good fortune, luck and a typically stupid public you have been able to amass wealth and a career that is in no way reflective of your own talent. Your closest friend is an emotionally unavailable alcoholic with a penchant for domestic violence who has his own closet full of skeletons and pedophilia based secrets. You feel misunderstood and have nobody to turn to even though you came from a relatively normal suburban childhood in a two parent middle class home. You struggle to stay edgy because the only dark thing in your life is the gigantic butt plug you try to fill the void in your life/ass with every night whilst you piss away money watching a Norseman with a Jennifer Aniston haircut pleasure himself. Describe the days or weeks leading up to your suicide......

I did not read this but I'm sure it was funny.

At this point I want to pimp my sub /r/DelusionalWriters

Over 11 million subscribers. Golly.

No one who gets writing help from Reddit will go on to become a successful and respected author.

Can you imagine someone like Cormac McCarthy being interviewed about his influences and saying something like “yeah I got a lot of help from an Internet forum.”

I subscribe to r/askhistorians (one of the few good subs other than this one btw) and at least once a day I see some flake ask something like “I’m writing a novel about blah blah blah set in the blah blah century and I want to know how people milked cows or something”

And I so badly want to reply “if you’re getting research help from reddit then you’re never going to find success and nobody is going to read your gay novel. Kill yourself faggot” but I would get banned because redditors are pussies who can’t handle the hard truths. Coddling losers is the name of the game on this site.

I’m basically the tiny Jewish guy yelling at the trumpet player.

I'm inclined to agree with you, but looking around at what's been successful lately, it does seem that complete and utter garbage writing does seem to be exactly what quite a few people want to read. Those "Ravaged by the Big Foot" and "Anally Disciplined By The Yeti" novels on amazon that were a big joke a few years ago actually make enough money that the Rubenesque, Ms. Chipperson-ish ladies who write them do so full time, and sometimes even make six figures doing so if I'm remembering correctly.

Trees have been cultivating humans in hopes that one day, they will return to the stars.

I gotta admit, that one made me smile.

I thought this was going to be a link to SAMCRO Joe's facebook but you managed to find something even gayer