Everything except ME. Oh & Uncle Paul. I'm a father now.

14  2018-01-03 by SpudsCuckley


Is that real?

He can't be that deluded. Seriously he has to be trolling at this point.

He's batshit insane like his cunt mother.

Ive never noticed Jimmy cringes and says “ugh” when Opie talks about him being a rockstar at math and science, then again when he could “shoot the lights out on the court”.

This is the same guy that cried on air like a little girl after Ant made Gregshells, right?

He didn't deserve the hate he was getting.



He needed Jim that day, or sum shiznit.

How do FAAAWWKIN not laugh at that? HOW?!

This is absolutely correct. And Opie was the one person in the room incapable of doing any of the things he's describing.

Go squeeze the piss out of your sock,ya pigboy.



"The philosophy of the show"

"Now Ant, if we're going to move this thing forward from WBAB, we have to come up with a mission statement. Where we at with buying in on the philosophy?"

Well, yeah, Opie but you’re the one that couldn’t take the jokes. Unless he brought in the audio himself, making fun of him was usually off limits. Even when he’s right he’s a retarded hypocrite.

I really hope he kills himself. Hudson, Opetta, and Lyns deserve better,

It’s never my fault man... everyone is out against me... No one ever hears about the things I do in the background when I go to management...

"Now Ant, if we're going to move this thing forward from WBAB, we have to come up with a mission statement. Where we at with buying in on the philosophy?"