Okay guys who told you to hate Opie?

56  2018-01-03 by Dennyislife


My ears.


His ears, sweety. Might wanna have your eyes checked.


I got it. It was a shitty joke. Ears. What? Peckas.

I still like you.

Dinner and maybe anus?


It was Ang. We all work for Ang.

Ang works for the man. I run FROM the man.

You run backwards into da man or sumptin.

I certainly do.


Beep boop, must hate Opie, must obey pockmarked master.

Direct quote from Opie's Tweet: "The philosophy of the old show was to make fun and take the piss out of everything."

Yes tittyboy, you allowed everything to be ridiculed except yourself. Example #85533 of lack of self awareness.

People been calling me Greggshells and i swear to god it doesnt bother me in fawkin least

I don't even understand what it means?


They manipulate the hate. They know who they are

Than and intern David.

Can we start taking screenshots of Opie posts? Nigger has me "BuhLOCKED"

If you're in Google Chrome browser just open it in an incognito tab.

You got blocked by Opie? He refuses to block me. He probably thinks that "True Radio Insider" actually is one.

Ant, on the other hand, blocked me super quick...


The Chip Armey

"Opie, you were the true talent and a very handsome model"

This guy gets it

Well he is a very good looking guy. I'm a gay so I know about that sort of thing.

The breasts are a strange aesthetic though - I'm not quite sure of the overall look he's going for.

Anthony Cumia

Is he still promoting he "Anthony controls the trolls" conspiracy theory?

What a pathetic faggot

Opie is crazy. Cumias a pimp. We all know Nagles behind it all.

Now that you mention it, I have been eating a lot of hoagies...

SEX BAGEL? That guy couldn't even keep the mediocre job that he had.

manipulating the hate...

Anthony, Jimmy, Erock. Doesnt matter. Someone is telling the reddit TROLLS to get him. Its all perfectly logical and sane.

Cyber terrorists, Your Honor

Right,we blindly obey and respect the nigger we refer to as "Tranpa".


Anthony told me. In fact I’m just a Cumia sock account.

no u suck we can c right thur ur fake stories u would tell on o&a......

That's how it works when your in the mob. Sometimes you just got to pick a side even if you like the other guy. Ant is a good earner. And Opie is glad he didn't get whacked after dat stunt he pulled in the bathroom. Gabagool.

you get sent for, you go in with a camera you come out fired. and it's ya best fawwwkin guy who does it.

Don't look 'em in the brown eye, don't look away.

That's just what he tells himself to keep from committing suicide. It's only a coincidence that everyone I've ever worked with also hate my guts, sure.

People hated him long before us. They hated him at the old live shows. If you listen enough, everyone realizes what a piece of shit he is, and how little he contributed to the show that made him richer than he ever deserved to be.

lol this subreddit sent Anthony's brother on national TV where he subsequently made an ass of himself. He really controls us, guys!


These are early warning signs of paranoid schizophrenia. Opie is becoming Fez.

We should send him DMs with forged texts from Jim and Ant. Push this thing forward.

Jim: The explosives have been set up and Gregg will be alone in the apartment in an hour. Lynsi got that insurance policy on him so she's cool with the plan. We may be jealous of his lengthier radio experience and superior phone call taking skills but he'll soon be dead!

Ant: Dead! Ha, ha, ha...holeee shit!

Jim: All hail Howard!

Ant: Hoo, hoo, hoo...he's our master!

Well, actually more it's like he's becoming his mother what with the breasts and all.

I'll have you know I recieved phone calls from ant, Jim, Sam, Travis to tell me to hate Opie. I actually love the guy and think he is hilarious, but I was told not to

Thank you for coming forward with your story #ME_TOOL

Anthony Cumia with MIEND CONTRUULL!!!

How's the family?

Who told me to hate that no talent balding titted man?, I forgot.

I’d say Ant. The Joe lawsuit thing and implied transgender sex and incestual pediphilia claims are just elaborate covers.

We took our marching orders from the master manipulator of hate. Nobody came to the conclusion on their own.

I'm actually laughing out loud at my computer right now at the thought of him believing this

Roland has many contacts idk ....


He did. By his actions.

I heard one too many “hold on hold on hold on!!!”. That was the day.

I used to think this sub wasn’t like the rest of the trash on Reddit but it really is. The Opie hate circlejerk ran its course months ago. This idea that the guy has never said anything funny just isn’t true. If you go and listen to the Patrice appearances you’ll see that Opie has said several good lines that make Patrice and the rest of the room laugh. Is he as funny as the other guys? No I’m not saying that but he isn’t some dark hole that takes all the funny out of the room like this sub would have you believe. Maybe I just don’t get it but from the audio I’ve heard you guys are just being haters for the sake of it.

Man, shut your faggot mouth.

Piss off Opie ass sucker.

Opie is all in with the "hater-fighters".

I was going to reply something with regards to his comment, but it's just no longer worth it.

Wow, he really believes that.

Norton sends me a check ever 4 days.

Terry Clifford

Todd Pettengail

Todd Schnitt

Bubba The Cuck Sponge

And Howard

The same celestial voices that Joan of Arc heard guided Opie's throng of haters to adopt so unfair and conspiratorial a position.

My final straw was when a caller pointed out the show sucked and Opie went on the tirade about how noone was entitled to an opinion unless they too had a nationally syndicated morning show.

Opie's descent into madness has been fascinating to watch.

The Jews

He is actually mentally ill, kinda sad to be honest.

He probably thinks Howard told people to hate him, which makes it even scarier.

Kinda true, all the faggots on Reddit used to defend the opsters until Ant got fired.

Anthony got in control over the HAARP-system where he manipulate our minds! He works with Alex Jones, who works with Jesse Ventura aswell, who saw the mind-control-system on his show! Connect the dots, it all makes sense, think about it!

This Opie guy is kinda dumb. I know I’m gonna catch a lot of Hell for saying that, but it needs to be said.

In all seriousness, he and Ant used to joke about "the pests". That they were beyond their control, and that one day, they would turn against them. Well... that's exactly what happened.


Most of this is self-delusion, from a man who simply IS NOT loved. The other half is self-preservation. There isn't a lot of people who get as much hate as he does on a daily basis. You cant believe that that many people hate you, so you form your own theories about what's going on. Which, over time, can make you crazy....the phase he's in right now.

TWas me

Shit. Why does he think we take cues from Anthony? We hate that mother fucker, too. The only people on this sub immune to hatred are Patrice (RIP), Colin and Mel Gibson.

you get sent for, you go in with a camera you come out fired. and it's ya best fawwwkin guy who does it.
