He is just playing 4D chess with the (((jews)))

0  2018-01-03 by Onaincels


Dude post the one with Giuliani! LOL

Liberal cucks are too gay to fuck trannies!

I think /r/chapotraphouse would better suit you

What are you with her? Do you feel the bern? No thanks, I want a president to protect me from the darkies.

Can someone intelligent please explain to me WHY Obama made that deal with Iran? What was the upside?

He wanted to slow down their development of a nuclear weapon. Which it will. But they have not stopped developing long-range missiles, which is a pretty key step to being a nuclear threat (so it may not have really slowed anything down). More info on this can be found at Bananas in Paughkeepsie, Jan. 7th. Rich Vos will be going into the Iran Nuclear Deal in depth for two shows.

It all makes sense now.

lol fuck Saudi Arabia. Give Iran 500 nukes. It would actually calm down the Middle East.

To limit their nuclear weapons capabilities and reign in their meddling/ posturing in the region, namely Syria. Not saying it was a good deal, just that it was complex and the intentions were pretty clear. Also not saying I understand it or am intelligent, but I think Hamid of the Brookings Institution does and is: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/07/iran-nuclear-deal-consequences-obama/398780/

This article is 2 years old.

No shit. The question was about why Obama made the deal, not how the deal has worked out over the last 2+ years. Try to keep up.

Obama is black.


ok thanks


I mean he's a New York real estate magnate. He's gonna have to lick some Jew toes but this whole thing with Iran is fucking depressing. He's going to lose a major chunk of his support if he does anything more than voice his support for the 'protesters'.

I corrected it!!!!! :)