Faggy libruls just dont get it.

0  2018-01-03 by Onaincels


By far my favorite president

Warren Harding was also a syphilitic clown who endangered the nation. No love for WH?

Did you feel nice and safe with the Bamster running shit? Go fuck yourself.

Woah, tough talk! Ouch.

To answer your question, relative to now, yes of course, because I'm not retarded.

Sure you are, faggot.

Thanks for agreeing with me. Sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities by insulting your cunt pro wrestler president.

I'm not the faggot that thinks the world is going to end because we didn't elect a menopausal cow last year.

Who are you describing? I didn't say the world was ending or anything about Hillary or Obama, you simp.

You're a cry baby. And I'm getting rich.


He is the coolest. Obummer doesnt have his own boardgame!

Are you trolling us, or trying to make friends? Either way, just calm down.

I'm perfectly calm. It's these fucking feminazi cunts that need to calm down. I hope they get raped on a slutwalk.

perfectly calm

You should post more of these

He is the coolest. Obummer doesnt have his own boardgame!

Warren Harding was also a syphilitic clown who endangered the nation. No love for WH?

Did you feel nice and safe with the Bamster running shit? Go fuck yourself.