Are we still going to accept Opie's narrative of his mother being an unbearable horror show in the equation of his upbringing?

31  2018-01-02 by jofreal

Given that he grew up to be hated by everyone, I feel the time is overdue to question his account of things, and possibly clear this woman's good name once and for all. His miserable tall tales of growing up in abject squalor have been readily debunked. It's entirely probable she was as overbearing and persnickety as any mother living under the stress of a large brood, and his portrait of her as a nightmarish monster was exaggerated to absolve himself of blame for his family status as a rotten little turd.


i imagine she was opie with tits a cunt. opie would describe her as if he was describing himself. normally i wouldn’t believe anything he said, but he had to have inherited his deranged mind from someone.

my question is what was going on with his dead beat tax evading mick father? if his mother was so obviously batshit why did he dribble his weak malnourished potato famine cum in her a dozen times? he seems to hold his dad is high regard but he obviously wasn’t working with a full deck either.

You don't got time to soul search when theres a church to be ran and fields to be plowed.

Yeah, I was always curious about the fake preacher dad. Is that something in New York? I'm in Philly and that is a black thing.

I've always assumed that he stole that from an episode of Sanford and Son.

Not only did his mom hate him, her mom (his grandmother) despised him too.

I don't give a shit about Opie and his stupid mother.

Your writing style is overwrought and autistic

I wouldn't be surprised either way. Guy had to get that craziness from somewhere, and he probably is like a light version of her.

You would hope that, in situations such as this, that people who grew up being raised by narcissistic types would see this and not want to be like that, not want their own family and friends to have to deal with what they had to deal with. But it rarely seems to happen that way.

I've got a really weird feeling Opie's mother was completely normal and Opie is, you know, making this shit up because he has literally nothing interesting to talk about.

I’ve always thought that his mom sounded like an absolutely normal mother. She kept the house clean, didn’t overspend and raised all but one of her kids to be normal people. I imagine they all openly despise Gregg except for the one brother who depends on him for restaurant money.