We shouldn't be wondering about the emotional status of Anthony right now. There's a bigger question that needs answered.

1  2018-01-02 by SidFromToyStoryPorn

How long did the Cumia bros. wait after hearing their ma passed before feeling the need/want to jerk off or bust a nut in general?


I'm pretty sure he hasnt woken up yet. He probably still doesnt know.

He'll read the text when he wakes up an hour before his show

Between the two towers? Because thats’s the joke you’re doing. But to answer your question Joe called someone a libtard around noon...

Joe called someone a libtard on Twitter around noon...

That's what his mother would have wanted.

LOL wow holy smokes xO !! I'm surprised you actually caught the reference <;D!! That was actually the exact joke I had in mind when I made the post hahahaah ahha cX !! Good catch, my dude B)

Well, fuck, now I feel embarrassed B: LOL I know rehashing old ass bits and shit is something everyone hates here in r/opieandanthony, but I figured that ultra-hidden gem of a Louis C.K. joke that he told on that one HBO special nobody's really seen or heard of would be so obscure that maybe it would've gone over everyone's heads :\

Needs to be wordier.

I didn't cry at my grandpa's funeral until I got home and I jerked off afterwards. It felt disrespectful greaving and then cumming, like he was shaking his head at me from heaven.

If it’s any consolation to you, there’s no way he went to heaven.

Anthony still hasn't forgiven her for fucking Mookie Wilson.

I remember when I was like 13 and my grandma died, which lived right next door to me, so it wasn't like a relative i hardly knew dying or anything.

Anyway I think I literally walked over to my house from hers and jerked off to one of my hidden issues of Fox Magazine probably less than 45 minutes after hearing the news.

Thought I'd share since it was on my mind and relevant to the topic at hand.