"mom fell hahahaha" - daniel "bobo" kurlan

36  2018-01-02 by Treeckosis


Matt Iseman replies "PleSee start a GoFundMe so I can attend some Mets games!!!!!!!"

Matt Iseman. He gets it.

What a gem. Hopefully he scores a mainstream gig like the today show this year and has o&a people in his show

If he brings on Opie, the collective voice of viewers saying “who is that guy?” would be heard from Canada.

And immediately loses said Mainstream gig.

'An exclusive interview with prostitute serial killer, "Big A", next on Today.'

It was no scam I told you Matt the money donated only was for my mom’s medical expenses Some have looked at me as a nut but I don’t scam lol

There you have it, from the man himself

Welcome to block town Matt


Bobo will now be raising cash to pay for Mama Cumia's casket.

What an unfortunate mishap

What I don't understand is the person who posted the original tweet. So you fall down and who ever the fuck you're with is like 'HOLD ON, STAY IN THE SHOW I NEED A PICTURE FOR TWITTER'. Like, what? Why? Can't we go about our normal day without tweeting every stupid fucking thing that we do?

Nope. We need to tweet EVERYTHING. And I was the one who wanted the pic. Sad plea for attention.

We're all social media attention whoring faggots posting on Reddit who judge other people for being this way. It's the circle of life.

By da way, wtf was Bobo trying to say to you in his response? I dont speak retard.

He definitely visits this sub

He's responded to a couple posts here

Yeah, he clearly has too much free time. ;) For the record, I did support Mrs. Bobo on her GoFundMe. After the pots and pans, she deserves our support.

She birthed Bobo. She deserves nothing

She deserves nothing but bad things to happen to her.

is my nigga daniel firing shots at the cumia orphans?

Matt Iseman is now a certified "good egg" (yuck)

Just noticed the UFC twitter account with 7 million followers only follows 120 people, one is Bobo

Link? The UFC account I'm seeing is following 20.9k people https://twitter.com/ufc/following

Weird.. Mine says 130, I took a screen shot just now https://imgur.com/a/Q2aR5

How, just how, does someone like matt iseman end up frequenting this sub? This delicious cess pool of hatred and anger.

Iseman is a huge and legit O&A fan.
