Lets only focus on 1 thing this year to end sams radio career

2  2018-01-02 by pta11

I really want to see this faggot homeless and his wife have to marry some 60 year old kike friend off her fathers.We dont need to focus on opie anymore he will never have a job and his wife has probably left him by now.I also think jim is a fag he doesnt deserve to have an easy life making money from radio.He treats workers both at sirius and employees in the service industry as shit so lets try to get these fags off the air


Nice try, Opie!

(NOTE: This joke references the fact that OP may be in fact Gregg "Opie" Hughes, the main target of harassment from this subreddit. He also presumably has a beef with Jim and Sam, especially since his firing in July of 2017).

I appreciate the sentiment, but unfortunately Sam is too boring to ever cross any lines, or really to do anything that inspires a passionate response from anybody (outside of here), let alone some corporate bosses who probably aren't even aware of his piddling employment at their company.

I am fully focused on trolling Opie still.

People are going to start talking about how shitty the J&S Show is becoming. Meanwhile, the Podacast will begin a descent in popularity. Jimmy is going to worm and put the blame on Sam. Ant will be brought back 2-3 days to cohost and push Sam out.

You think Ant is going to work for free, because no way in hell is Sirius going to pay him to work.

Maybe not two or three days a week, but he might not be above working for plugs. He literally has no other way to attract new Compound subscribers. Let’s face it - his fan base is joining his mom soon.

j & s was always shit.

i cant stand the podacast anymore, the bits dead.


If it forces her to release a sex tape with Sam sitting in the corner cringing then maybe it’s a worthwhile goal.