Imagine this is your son (3:40 if you want to cut to the chase)

7  2018-01-02 by TonyFromLongIsland





it's soda. wtf is he spitting for?

a wine sommelier spits so they don't get shitfaced, is he just trying to avoid excess sugar and calories?

Ugh, that pussy is treating it like wine, isn't the whole point of spitting out wine at a tasting to not get sloshed on the alcohol? Last I checked, pop wasn't alcohol...
All kidding aside, folks, that soda tastes amazing.

He's a gay fag.

Lots of sugar in soda. My man doesn't want to bloat and definitely doesn't spit out cum, to be damned with those calories.

wine tasting is gay too

ttsss yeah I get gurls to do that with muuhh cuuuuummmm

black cherries that lean more on the fruitier side of life

Gayer words have never been said

His bookshelf looks like the bookshelf in a thrift shop. 5 copies of "How to manage online forums" and two copies of "the art of explanation". What a dreary cunt

wow you aren't joking. every book behind him is a gem

He's just bought a job lot of remaindered books to decorate his bookshelf with, to make himself look smart.

My son was born with a rare condition that rendered him limbless and with only 1/3 of a brain. His birth was so traumatic, with no limbs to grab onto the doctors accidentally ruptured my wife's bowel while jostling around, and she died mid-sob of an infection shortly after labor.

Life has been an unrelenting torture for my son and for me every single day since. He's 7 now, and probably only has a year or two left to live. I haven't decided what to do with his cage and harnesses yet, but I'm thinking of incorporating them in some sort of TED talk type lecture I could give at Planned Parenthoods or something.

So yes, I can imagine this dork on the internet being my son. Sniff

Any nudes of the young fella?

We all know what your New Year resolution is.

Steal a soundbar?

He needs to kill him self for swishing and spitting it out im fucking disgusted

i dont drink alot of soda anymore but boylan's is pretty good

this kid is gay, but Boylans makes a damn good soda

All that work to make it like hes some soda sommelier but then drinks it out of a plastic cup. I hope the next time hes in the soda isle theres also a suicide bomber

Only faggots use the word "pop" for soda BTW....

a region of queers

We call them soft drinks 'round my way.

Isn't this basically E-Rock's show that everyone was saying wasn't bad?

Carbonation was a mistake.