Joseph Cumia has announced the death of his mother on Facebook. I'm not sure if he chose the most relevant opening line, though.

145  2018-01-02 by Compound_MediaPR


Morn. Ro raised a retard.


She raised a racist, alcoholic deviant, and a pedophile cosplayer.

How does 2U fit into this?

Theyll play a medley at the funeral for 4k

It means they’re probably going to remove New Years Day from the setlist of any future gigs. Unless Joe can make it through the song without getting pissy-eyed.

Jesus Christ this had me laughing out loud like a maniac.

Upvoted for sure.

And then there's Joe.

2 you mean

He credits her for Ant and him being independent, responsible, and decent. Dementia definitely runs in the family.

Hey, be nice. She also sniffed coke with them, and let a young Tony wear her shoes.

Salt of the earth that woman.

No, no. Freebased come with them. Even trashier.

Yeah, I remember that. I think in retellings he softened it up to sniffing. But I do remember in the WNEW days it was Freebase. They all thought it was classier.

He's the coke version - .

Didn't Sal call in to tell them to stop talking about it on air as it upset their mother?

Yeah, Anthony had to get on the phone off air for a few minutes, then they played off the Mafia angle. "Oh no, Sal's going to wack us....".


What the fuck is with Long Island white trash?

Hey at least she had the decency to leave their father when she found at he molested Anthony and joe. Turned those repressed fags into the men they are today.

I always enjoyed Anthony's impression of sal

christmas shoes, ro!

she led by example

OK then Joe, you know what to do now then don't you?

Anthony mom was still alive? What was she, 120 years old?

She probably had him in her teens or early twenties. So yes.

Hahaha holee shit this Joe is not a pedophile joke never gets old to you unoriginal unfunny faggots does it?

Hey joe 👋

♫Where you goin' with that spit in your mouth♫

Stop me if you've heard this one before, but Gregg "Opie" Hughes has breasts like a female.

Hahaha holee shit

I found Anthony.

But did you hear the one about how Joes NOT a pedophile?

Your whole thing is to go around to running jokes on the sub and say they are overplayed and unfunny?

You're the definition of that

How sad and alone to do you think one has to get to start exhibiting such behavior?

I'm neither you giant pussy who can't even say this to my face - what a coward you must be, LOL!

This guy is aping other men’s speech patterns to get a point across


Oof... you really are a pathetic faggot.

Don’t try to save face because I like to play along sometimes. You’re the guy with 3 dozen downvotes. Say oof like Jim again though. It screams of charm and wit. Also you’re a nigger

You're the one trying to save face you pussy, type more to show you aren't.

And LOL you're appealing to downvotes as a last resort since reddit karma is all you have in life, you faggot ass redditor!

Yea it does make me feel a little better. Try not to keep your lols capped every time though. People might confused you for a fucking idiot

Antone who types "LOL" in caps in 2018 is a massive faggot for sure

Yeah I should type it as "lol" to show what an ass tunneled fuccboi I am you soyboy faggot. It must scare you to see such aggressive language.

Wow that was absolute giberish

Shut up and take your loss you faggot.

You right. I'm sorry. I was just to terrified by your aggressive yet finely crafted language.

Is soyboy Joe's new "angry people younger than him" insult.

No, but it perfectly describes all of you effeminate faggots.

That isn't my whole thing, nor do I have a thing, you lisping reddit faggot.


Why would he write this much on the day his mother dies? This is so crazy.

Maybe he was writing what he wanted to say at his mother's funeral anyways and thought why not post it on Facebook for those who couldn't attend. Ant probably didn't tell him yet that he'll be live streaming the funeral. I doubt the funeral parlor will be down with the 'Karaoke & a Casket' theme.

He's establishing emotion distress for when life insurance opens an investigation on the unusually high mercury content in his dead mothers body


Anyone who doesn't is a weirdo.

Wassat? An o that looks like a 0 sumpthin?

In reality I thought it was a good tribute coming from someone who's head is probably spinning (even though he knew it was a long time coming)

This is the most insane eulogy I've ever read. I know everybody rips on brojoe but holy shit, this is just next-level bizarre. Who talks like this?

You didn't think it was necessary for him to clarify his mother's mother is his grandmother?

With some bloodlines it is hard to tell.

Insanity is what I expect from Joe; the only possible uncertainty is whether we'll see pissy eyes Ant or completely emotionally detached Ant when he addresses it. Smart money's on the latter.

Combine being a boomer with being a 80IQ professional mooch and this is what you get

I can't read it. The thought of Joe Cumia trying to pen a eulogy makes me cringe. He is the worst menace of the printed word since the Zodiac killer.

He is a truly awful writer.

And son.

And person.

And podcast host.

But NOT a pedophile.

He is a great pedophile.

And brother

Oh lord won’t you buy me a maple and satin coffin

Her mom (my grandmother)

Glad he clarified that mystery.

Fucking mongoloid spelled it "Grand Mother" too.

Sounds like someone you meet after a long walk up a golden road.

😂 i know everyone’s hating on your post bug i laughed

Nobody is hating on his post, you stupid queer.

It got downvoted earlier today you salty lil nigga 😂😂😂 u mad bitch? Hahahahaha. You’re probably short and fat aren’t ya? Whats it like being a lil fat whiteboy with a small ass dick? Lmao

You have poignantly pinpointed my flaws, I bow before my black master.

She would have died a second time of embarrassment reading that horrendous tribute.

Single mother typical niggers explains a lot

I know for sure she never wanted to linger on as long as she did.

I cringed when I read this line because I thought Joe was awkwardly setting up a 'linger longer' reference in the next line. Instead I'm hit with the bombshell that Joe's mom's mom is his grandmother! I still can't get over it! Chinatown is now a close second in the family twists department

Lol he actually wrote “I’m not a pedophile” holee shit

"While she was pretty liberal in her politics"...

Is politics all you think about, faggot? Who gives a fuck what she thought about taxes or any of that boring shit? Stop trying to shoehorn your hatred of blacks into every fucking thing in your life. Goddamn, non-pedophiles

Hey cmon now. He shoehorns money in there a couple times too.

It pathological at this point

Could he windbag it a little more... jesus fucking christ.

She smoked crack.


I was waiting for the gofundme link somewhere to bury her which Joe would just use to buy more guitars.

oh yeah, what made Anthony and I stay on the straight and narrow? her other words of wisdom...

Wait, what?

They are neither straight nor narrow.

I immediately skipped to the bottom to make sure this wasn’t an elaborate Rich Vos plug. By the time I finished reading it, I wished that it was.

ironically op has Alzheimer's

He sure loves speaking about personal accountability for a guy who gets an allowance from his little bro.

Wait, wait, wait... did Joe REALLY fucking type the words linger and longer into his eulogy for his mom on faceberg? Hahaha! HOLEE SHIIT..

At least he didn’t end it with “your mom’s box,” That’s be a bit awkward.

'your mom's in a box`

Do you think he has ANYONE to talk to that isn't thinking "ugh shut the fuck up" the entire time

I bet at parties people just nod and crack a sideways smile at Joe to get him to shut the fuck up so they can walk away.

Joe probably interprets this as people agreeing with his thoughts when in all actuality people feel bad for this dope and just want to slip away politely.

Has anyone checked to see how Mookie Wilson is doing? He must be devastated.

While she was pretty liberal in her politics, she was by no means a "the world owes me" type of individual

dude politics lmao

I fucked that goomba bitch last night. Smelled like shit.

wtf is that real?

Thoughts and prayers.

Why do people post shit like this on Facebook? Bunch of attention seeking cunts.

Rosemarie Jesselli Cumia DiLeonardi TL,DR: Dago.

Rosemarie Jesselli Cumia DiLeonardi did NOT raise a pedophile.

I repeat: Rosemarie Jesselli Cumia DiLeonardi did NOT raise a pedophile

She did, however, raise two.

"She also had the pleasure of seeing all 3 of us grop up into the same kind of independent, responsible, decent, caring human beings[...]"

I feel bad for Sal. She didn't find the love of her life or intense happiness and overwhelming love. She found in Sal, financial security.

Cause of Death: Shame.

responsible, decent, caring human beings

Responsible? Really??

Ground is too cold to bury a body. I bet ol' RO is going to be shelved in a cold storage until April or May.

the good thing about alzheimers is that it cushions you from the blow of death, they're a walking zombie for a few months or years and even your own mother you can't wait to be done with if they're in that state

She hit Anthony on the tip of the dick with a belt buckle

She is a huge part of why he drinks

She sounds like a marvelous woman. Now I'm sad that she's gone :(

I think BroJoe should morn the loss of his mother by sharing Dawn newds

I truly cannot tell what's real anymore.

"Responsible, decent, caring human beings" is joking?

Your mom's (in a) box.

So is Ant gonna have some pissy eyes?

I absolutely love the claim about not being a pedophile. It seems that people he knows in real life are also trolling him over that people's court episode hahaha.

RIP. The cumia boys must have gotten their melanin from their old man after looking at their mothers pics.

"I mean, she was a libcuck snowflake but she did raise me, so ehhhh RIP mom."


Uh aside from Dawn her children are shitty so I'm not sure what he's talking about and since when is Joe or Anthony responsible for anything?

Ya Kidding

Linger longer

My condolences go out to the Cumias.

"Ya raised a couple of fruits Ro!"

And son.

They are neither straight nor narrow.

And brother