Congratulations on reaching nana faggot level 100

77  2018-01-01 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


He’s the biggest faggot in the O&A universe

Aside from the "Fairy Princess of all Fruits, Jim Norton".

Hold on there Sport.......

More than Intern Stevie & Danny?

Stevie was just a 7 year old trapped in a college kid’s body, with terrible genes.

No that's Redbar

Yeah he Kill screened that shit! He just needs to Blue Rinse that bears fur on the top of his skull.

I miss the Ant with the hat and the goatee that would get mad at Windows Vista.

Ant needs to go back to wearing hats, and Sam needs to start.

Never heard that sentiment before.

It's actually been mentioned on this sub more than a few times.

Yep, bring back that Ant and fat ass Jimmy.

Come on, cut it out, stop face swapping Rachel dratch onto photos of Anthony

Nice reference, old man

Rachel (((Dratch))) is an unfunny, retarded looking parakeet.

Missy could've been finger-blasted by her father since she was in diapers andit still doesn't justify this.


Nana is the perfect description of the vibe he gives. Thats the feeling I always get looking at him but couldnt put my finger on it. Nana

Nana na boo boo stuck his dick in boy poo.

His smile warms my heart.

...and then there's Maude!

He keeps the bowl of butterscotch hard candies next to the empty Bud Light bottles.

guys, he is pretty unattractive.

I miss Pal Talk Ant.

Mama Cozzi (Aldi shoppers will get this)

People who shop at Aldi are fat, poor, and autistic.
So yes, the whole sub gets it.

in my time i have found that intense Aldi haters are as bad as the worst Aldi shoppers

Like an old Crete Waitress.

"Freshen yah ouzo, guvnah?"

Ant looks like the little brother of Tigg from Sons of anarchy. Samara runs in the blood.


they're called "individual hair follicles"

I miss the days when I first found the show is YouTube a few years back. Hardly knew who was talking, didn't know anything about their personal life's or how they looked, just assumed everyone was good friends, knew nothing of Opie hate or reddit. Was just a cool chill vibe that I assume will never be back now. Kind of like trying to go back and watch Rob & big when you know they were never really friends or roommates.

That legit looks my nana who knits all day long and survived the bombinh of Dresdin

Matted down pubes w a hint of oil

Yo, dis nana don't bake no cookies, nana be hoarding CP.

He looks like he made it to the final audition for Cheers, and they passed on him at the last opportunity to finalize his deal.

The gay uncle.

Nice reference, old man

Rachel (((Dratch))) is an unfunny, retarded looking parakeet.

People who shop at Aldi are fat, poor, and autistic.
So yes, the whole sub gets it.