Reminder: You NEVER raise your voice to a Hughes.

59  2018-01-01 by RBuddCumia


ME: You know Im known as the fawkin PSYCHO around here but my brothers Bert and Ernie are legit craaazy. Like craaaaaazy, Raise your voice to them and theres gonna be problums brotha.

but my brothers Bert and Ernie


Don't forget Elmo

Lol remember that cringey myspace Survey he did? And Opie read that unfunny try hard shit on the air to forced laughter from Anthony.

No. Link?

My right clicker is broke so I can't copy/paste but I just searched "opie elmo myspace" and it pops up right away with a timestamp on the brother stuff.

Your "right clicker"? Get it fixed silly. I found it. Its REALLY douchey

Pretty sure it was either a early patrice or jim jefferies episode.

Yeah, those fuckers will yell "Hold on!" really loud at ya!

What a strange hodgepodge of genetics.

cool pic of andy dick and his bros

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Why does the millionaire have the 5 dollar haircut?

ooh scawy

He tried reading his brother Kermits myspace bio on air and thought it would be funny

Sex: yes please! Lol!!!!

The worst is he started reading it and laughing. Ant and Jim sat in silence. Then Opie stopped laughing and pretended, "Wow my bro Elmo is crazay. He's gotta change this!"

and I think a lot of "alllllright"s from anthony

Especially not around Mom. Lotsa problems in that house...

He might take off the shirt he stole from a homeless man and titslap you.

Nobody ever did though, did they? I'm guessing Opie has totally cut people out of his life for less, so people just had to put up with his shit.

Weird Hughes! One is stupid and has tits, the other is a piece of shit!


Scorch let them borrow that bit.

I would love the opportunity

"You wanna fawken PLAY?!?" - Hughes family motto

What do you suppose the Hughes family crest looks like?

A pair of breasts.

Vurry gud.

It's just one breast, but it's lactating.

"You wanna suck 'em?" -Tits family motto 2017

My mom is nuuuuuuts brotherman. She used to blame her problems on everyone else and not realize it was all her. Just leave it alone! Period! Sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifffff

It's the worst thing you could do.

Of course you don't. Not that Tittyboy would have done anything about it, except to cut your mic and have Kenny throw you out of the studio. Gregg is a hormonal half female sissy.

Titty pile.