The last Ron & Fez Show. I'll be listening till the new year. Ya fuckin' rubes.

25  2018-01-01 by Hold_My_Brush22


It was the saddest day in radio history.

The acorn story....

I'm missed a testosterone shot this week and literally started tearing up at the beginning of this video. I miss Fezzy all over again.

The true end of an era. Happy new year

Happy New Year, buddy


that's not the last ron & fez, ya fag

Ron & Fez was my favorite radio show of all time. I'm ashamed of how hard I felt it when it was gone.

So happy/sad when Fez gets to sing Satellite of Love with Ron as it plays out the show one last time.

I'm not afraid to admit I shed real life nigga tears over this show ending. Unlike O or A, Ron & Fez were secure enough in their own ability to be funny to also be emotional when necessary and not bore you with it. Every emotion R&F made me feel was visceral and real. Hats off to those two fat motherfuckers who still to this day are cooler than any young people I've ever met.

Was Ron tearing up during the acorn story too?

Remember when Fez got Ron the framed matchbook from the night they met and Ron got creeped out? Good times.

Amazing radio. It is interesting how the entire fandom of R&F was really hating on Fez the last 8-10 years of their career, yet once Fez left the show the whole thing dipped way down in quality. For the 30 minutes Fez talked on the show, he made the whole thing what it was.

I wonder how the big cat is doing.

Amazing radio. It is interesting how the entire fandom of R&F was really hating on Fez the last 8-10 years of their career, yet once Fez left the show the whole thing dipped way down in quality. For the 30 minutes Fez talked on the show, he made the whole thing what it was.

I wonder how the big cat is doing.