Does Alex Jones know Ant used to make fun of him?

17  2018-01-01 by pta11

He always used to talk shit about alex jones and now he keeps hosting his show.I think he somehow thinks that will get him a gig at fox.Fuckin guy will never have a paid tv job guy is pushing 60 and looks like a sand nigger


Yes. He used to make fun of him to his face/ear.

Alex hired him because he's a duplicitious Berber who says he wants to expand Iberia but secretly builds Tunis.

Alex's empire is built on fear. Gotta keep people on their toes, y'know? If they're not scared they're not listening. So the "Obsidian Orator" was a perfect hire. A negro preaching the demise of Western Civilisation by the negroes. No matter your position, you cannot not be scared!

How did this embarrassingly unfunny post actually get upvoted by anyone

Obsidian Orator

Fucking kill yourself, today

Thats uncalled for sir

Looking at him alone is enough to scare even the toughest of navy seals.

Anthony Cumia preaching family values is insane. Use those fake teeth of yours to do shitty impressions or just kill yourself.

Notice how much slower the wheels in his head turn when he's trying to sound like a moral man?

Does Alex Jones know that Ant is a pedophile? #pizzafacegate


He still makes fun of him. Alex knows it’s all a joke.

yes, he may be trying to start a civil war, but he's a good sport.


He used to (and still) mock Alex Jones and now he works for him. Funny how things play out.

Jones knows about Anth goofing on him but he thinks it was only friendly joshing around. He doesn't know about the well documented pedophilia with tons of video proof, the biting, the fake rehab scheme he blatantly fooled the DA with and then bragged about it on air, losing his gun in a drunk blackout, his insane driving habits (also documented in Dani Golightly's Periscope), the tranny stuff and his actual racism. Jones claims to be VERY anti racist despite being right wing.

Someone should make a 10 minute expose on these and send it to Jones. I liked when Redbar covered them but that dummy took 6 hours to do it because he was selfish and wanted to enjoy it. We can't send that to the press. It needs to be more professional. Like a top 10 list.

anthony hosts infowars? what the fuck
