Happy 2018 everybody!

7  2017-12-31 by Ant_Sucks

This time one year ago there was so much we didn't know would really happen

  • Opie hadn't been fired
  • Brother Joe hadn't appeared on People's Court
  • Patton Oswalt hadn't married his co-conspirator
  • Killakuhn Jr was watching his cartoons on sub-par speakers

Just for a moment think about what might happen in 2018

  • Opie ________________
  • Anthony ______________
  • Jimmy ________________
  • Artie Lange dies of a heart attack
  • _______________________

Such possibilities.

Who will live, die, go to jail or humiliate themselves in ways nobody has yet thought of. Could be you. Could be me?

  • dies
  • gets back on SXM
  • comes out
  • cheeseburger (with coke) in paradise. RIP Artie
  • Nick D buys out Compound Media

Will Sam eat a peace of protein that hasn't been chemically altered?

This time last year, kratom hadn't killed half the sub and we still had our angel, Josh "the fat Joker" Fonner, whose heart couldn't take the stress of knowing Joseph Cumia was out to get him.

This year, I'm expecting divorces, more sub related child death and even more bisexual trannyfucking.

Opie divorces

Ant gets a health problem

Jim comes out (sort of)

Bro joe pokes this sub again and loses more gigs

Opie: Loses home, family and eventually kills self. Ant: Gets arrested for fucking an underage tranny while drunk Jimmy: Eventually becomes Chip Chipperson, does "Jim" as a character to make his co-host and friends laugh. Gets aids but still does the show. Artie: Comes back to the AA show for a week before pulling a John Belushi. Erock: is still a fat mongoloid

  • Opie attempts to start his own "network" like cumia
  • Anthony keeps recycling his show
  • Jimmy ends the chip podcast because it ran its course and falls deeper into obscurity
  • Niggers become more niggerish