Was Jimmy born gay, or did he become gay over time?...

17  2017-12-31 by WhippingHuskies

Is he one of those guys who was born to be a straight up gay guy, or is he someone who became this way via massive self-loathing, loneliness, and inferior physical genes. For instance if he was some avg. frat dude guy with half a brain destined to white collar middle management, would he be your average married dude with 4-5 prior normal relationships and a dozen or so one night stands/flings, and who occasionally spanks it to POV porn and has an occasional affair or would he still be what he is?


"your average married dude with 4-5 prior normal relationships and a dozen or so one night stands/flings"

I’m far below average by your standards, sir

But you are Jimmy from Oslo, so that figures. I was just making an assumption of what your avg. married dude's relationship history would be like. But hey, what do I know, I got the Knicks at 6, the Mets at 10 and a case of Bud lights, bottles not cans tonight, I'm feeling fancy after we finished the duct work on the Time Warner building this week.

I have a feeling the repeated sexual abuse during his childhood might have played a hand in it.

I have a feeling he initiated all of that. What'd the chances all of the older kids and bullies in his town were faggots that wanted him to suck their dick?

Are you implying that Jim is a sexual predator that masquerades as a victim so people wont call him out on using people as objects to fulfill his degenerate sexual desires?

beautiful mind on that worm

your entire description of Jim

I'm heating up over here brothaman

This Jim Norton guy is a real JERK!

The more I hear about this Norton fella, the less I care for him

Gay sex fear trumps any beating fear. Jim probably was the town bully and no one wanted to fight him because hed suck their cocks during the fight

Wasn't he sucking dick in a swimming pool by age 10? Hmm, I wonder...

he was raped in the mouth

he was very badly raped, ya see

Our Jimmy wasn't born a faggot. He was made one through years of systematic abuse.

what did Jimmy say to you? Middle of the Road Jimmy, in the next cell.

He said, “I can smell both sides of the argument.”

I see. I myself cannot.

i remember Jimmy discussing this with Sam on one of the Wakin up With Harambe shows prior to the actual J&S being developed. from what i recall, Jimmy did say he felt his bi/homo tendencies were a result of his childhood and not something he was "born with"

oh, nice development. Didn't know he actually addressed any of this stuff beyond the," Look at me, I'm a sexual creep, but own it, unlike anyone else, which makes me secure in my masculinity and unique, unlike everyone else who is boring, now I'm gonna go to my 7 figure trendy high rise as a middle aged millionaire, and "edge" for 8 hours to fit young men being sodomized by mentally ill men in drag while I tweak my nipples."

Yimmy? That you?

You accidentally linked to rich vos's tour dates instead.

oh literal Kurt...

I think he's wired to be a pervert, but was probably "born straight." He's even said that him messing around with boys as a kid was mostly because girls intimidated him. I really think it was just a sexual compulsion that he had to fill in some way.

I think his Wine Cooler problem was due to his inner sexual conflict.

Thank God he had the inner courage and presence of mind and vision to quit when he was ahead, after hard partying for 5 weekends straight at 17.

He sucked dick when he was 7 ...that nigga has always been gay.

Molested into it and there’s something odd about his relationship with his mother. In half a decade, he’s gone from an angry young dude to acting like Jessica Tandy in Driving Miss Daisy


He was very badly raped, you see

I don't think Jim was born gay. His craving for cock is something that manifested itself over the years. Jim has all the obvious effects of psychological damage caused by sexual abuse: exhibiting patterns of Dissociative Identity Disorder; experiencing negative feelings such as anger or disgust with touch; having difficulty becoming aroused or feeling sensation; feeling emotionally distant or not present during sex; engaging in compulsive or inappropriate sexual behaviors; experiencing difficulty establishing or maintaining an intimate relationship; repression or denial of sexual abuse. Going to rehab and AA were actually terrible for Jim. He completely gave himself up to the preachings of AA telling him that drugs and alcohol were the cause of all of his issues and because of this Jim has failed to address his real issue. Now he's a lonely, cock sucking, self-loathing, 50-year-old gay man in denial.

Sexuality is not innate. No more so than love of donuts, football, shiny cars or heroin is born in. We covet pleasure. We learn what brings us pleasure and then we seek it out. It provides a reward in our brain so we keep it around. Addicts, every god damned last one of us.

Than why is the "We were born this way!!!!!" crowd perennially angry when this comes up? Are you suggesting that their degeneracy is by choice?

He was probably sexually abused, his Uncle Paul character seems a little too accurate.

This. Fucking this. His relationship with his family is odd, too. He, by his on admission, was acting out sexually at a very young age, too, and it's not normal. Everything since has been risky behavior of one sort or another, and he can't maintain a simple relationship. Something or someone got to him young, and made sex a bad thing that has to be naughty to be enjoyable.

Jim likes to drink a guys piss, have a guy cum in his lipsticked mouth and wear panties. That doesn't make him gay.

I don’t think Jimmy was born gay, but Fez was. Kind of fucked up how Jimmy has sucked WAY more cocks than Fez, but Fez is comfortable calling himself gay and not Jim.

like mario cantone that lil mug was gay in the womb

I hated girls as a kid, over years I started to like them and now I like when they piss on me. Jimmy has become gay over time, no one is born gay.

No one is born gay. Something bad happens to you and then you become gay.

I truly believe this. Nothing is more powerful than the first sexual encounter. Even if it's a bad one. It truly fucks up your life.

I remember he was saying that gays are born that way i think he wanted to suck all of his friends dicks

How did it work for you?

Does the term "Monster Rain" mean anything? If you suck other boys off at 5 or whatever... I'm thinkin you're gay.